Saturday, August 12, 2017

Zion National Park 2017 - Narrows

Angel's Landing wasn't the only thing we did while at Zion National Park. We paid another visit to the Narrows. If you didn't know, McKay and I hiked the ENTIRE THING a few years ago. It's 16.2 miles but with all the river crossing and zig zagging you have to do I think it was more like 17 miles. It really was an incredible experience. You can see my blog post about that HERE.
So this time around, we just wanted to see the base of the narrows. Because of all the rain, the river was higher than normal and muddy. Which is a bummer! When we came before, the water was crystal clear and the levels were much lower, making it easier to hike the river bed. We all went in a short ways and then McKay, Kristi, and I ventured in about a mile further. It was fun to see those incredible canyon walls again.
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We turned a corner and saw this smooth wall full of hand prints! People had been using the mud to make the prints and it looked so cool. So of course we added ours! It was a fun way to leave a temporary mark there.
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Just after we turned back we heard some thunder, and when we got to the paved path at the mouth of the canyon it started to rain, so we picked a good time to get out of there! Just a mild sprinkle makes the water levels rise and it gets more dangerous. Also, just a side note, my sister, Vanessa is pregnant and did all of these crazy and fun hikes without batting an eye. She's amazing!!
On our way back we could tell that the water level in this section of the hike was higher and the flow was stronger.
See the rest of our National Park Trip Adventures:
Yellowstone National Park
Arches National Park
Goblin Valley State Park
Bryce Canyon National Park
Zion National Park - Angel's Landing
Zion National Park - Narrows
Kanarra Creek Trail
Grand Canyon National Park
Slide Rock State Park

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