Saturday, August 12, 2017

Goblin Valley State Park 2017

This hidden gem was so much fun. We planned a stop here because it was directly in between Arches and Capitol Reef, and I am so glad we did! It wasn't busy at all and the rules seem pretty lax because we could climb all over the rock formations and basically do whatever we wanted, awesome!
[caption id="attachment_5302" align="alignnone" width="5184"]IMG_0039 That's Kristi, by the way.[/caption]
We found some really fun "goblins" to climb and explore. While we had fun climbing, James had fun screeching about every. single. rock. he. found. It's ridiculous how much he loves rocks. He'll spot one from like 5 feet away and scream, flap his arms, and basically spasm all while runner over to it.
I thought this one looked like a dinosaur haha so naturally I climbed on top of it.
These were called the Three Gossips. They're much smaller than we expected haha.IMG_9997
No matter what you do, Vanessa seems to always be the favorite Aunt. Actually, she doesn't even have to be related. I swear babies and kids would choose her over their own family if given the choice haha. And I'm pretty sure Kristi is now James' favorite Aunt on the Coffey side, I mean, she's great, how could you not love her?! So basically, James was in a dream this whole trip because he was surrounded by his favorite people.
On the right is a photo of us getting our smashed penny. McKay and I started our smashed penny collection on our honeymoon! We have so many now, we've filled up our Penny Passport and have ordered more already. James picked up on the smashed penny's really fast. He would "help" us crank it and then know exactly where to look for the penny. In this photo he's pulling out our Goblin Valley penny from the machine.
[gallery ids="5307,5306" type="rectangular"]
Just outside of Goblin Valley is a really great slot canyon called Little Wild Horse Canyon. We were excited to check it out. The weather was cloudy and as we started our hike we could see a bit of rain in the distance. Knowing the dangers of flash flooding, we turned around after about a mile into our hike. A few of us were feeling really uneasy and we didn't want to ignore our guts so we turned around after a few photos.
[gallery ids="5341,5340" type="rectangular"]
We didn't get to the really beautiful narrow slot portion of the canyon, but that's ok. Whether the rain caused any issues that day or not, I'm glad we listen to our intuitions and left. It very well could've been a spiritual prompting to keep us out of harm's way. There are many hazards outside of a just a flash flood we could've encountered, rattle snakes, rock slides, injuries, etc. And who knows what (if anything) could've happened if we had ignored the feeling.
Anyways, here are some more photos from our short hike through Little Wild Horse. Maybe one day we'll go back and try it again.
IMG_9984 IMG_9981IMG_9987
See the rest of our National Park Trip Adventures:
Yellowstone National Park
Arches National Park
Goblin Valley State Park
Bryce Canyon National Park
Zion National Park - Angel's Landing
Zion National Park - Narrows
Kanarra Creek Trail
Grand Canyon National Park
Slide Rock State Park

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