Friday, January 23, 2015

Brazil - Águas de Lindóia

Just a few days after flying in to São Paulo, we hopped on a bus and headed to Águas de Lindóia. Sadly, it rained nearly the entire time we were there so we didn't get a chance to go to the popular water park in the area. During the few hours we did have of no rain we walked around the towns central park, ate some delicious food, window shopped, took a bus to Serra Negra (the next town over), shopped, shopped, and shopped. Needless to say, McKay was done with shopping only 4 days into our Brazil vacation. Too bad there was still two and a half weeks to go!
Here's some pictures we took while at Águas de Lindóia!
This sign pretty much says "beautiful aunt" and I'd say my Tia Maria is linda indeed! the second picture is of my mom and I on some of the Christmas decorations they had set up. You know, there's something so odd about celebrating Christmas while you're sweating. Haha.
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I'd bet good money that most Brazilians have never seen snow before in their lives. Never ever. Which, if true, makes this attempt at a snow-covered tree alright. I still laugh every time though!
These carts and my family go waaaay back. Ever since I can remember, we'd rent one of those carts for a couple of Reais and get carted around the park. It was my favorite. I'm sure it was also my parents favorite because they didn't have to watch me like a hawk for like 10 minutes. Celebrate the little things, right? Oh, and of course I always begged for the carts overflowing with stuffed animals *surprise*.
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We saw some really cool birds while there, my favorite being parrots! I wanted to get more pictures of them, so we set out some berries that we saw them eating. Sadly, it started to rain before we could lure any of them in!
My aunt's apartment had quite the "antique" collection. haha. After seeing the rotary phone, we were surprised to find that her television had color! Also, want to know how much Guarana we had while in Brazil? We somehow managed to have too much ...yet, not enough.
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We really do love our churros! In Brazil, they fill the center with delicious things. For example: chocolate, condensed milk, nutella, caramel, etc. It's fantastic. And I wonder why it's not a thing in America. I guess we have too many foods that should be renamed "heart attacks" already, they didn't want to add another to the list. Regardless, Costco should jump on this innovative breakthrough, cause it's brilliant.

Read about our other Brazil adventures here:

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