Thursday, December 8, 2016

Brazil - São Paulo

**Brace yourself for a loooooong blog post! This one covers Brazil overall, there will be other posts that are specific to things we did*
Oh man. This was a trip for the books. It's hard to explain, but this trip was equally as fun as the last time we went to Brazil, but just in a different way. After several attempts on explaining what I mean, I've decided to just make a list hahaha
Brazil 2014
  • We were constantly with other people and never on our own.
  • We did a bunch of new things (Rio, boat rides, etc.)
  • We felt very tourist-y.
  • We were ready to come home by the end.
Brazil 2016
  • We went out on our own all the time. We felt more familiar with the areas we went to. And McKay was much more confident in his speaking abilities! :)
  • We felt like this trip was much more for visiting family rather than vacationing.
  • We visited the same places, but didn't feel as tourist-y.
  • Since this was our second time and some other people's first, we were  much more "in charge" when it came to panning activities and such.
  • We had James with us.
  • We did NOT want to leave when the time came.
Overall, I would say I enjoyed this year's trip more than 2014's. I don't know why, but I just feel more whole and satisfied with it. I told you it was hard to explain!
This blog post is to review everything we did in and around São Paulo. Here are the links to the other things we did
Rio - Pão de Acucar
Rio - Cristo Redentor
Riviera Beach

OK here we go!
I'll start off with the main reason we went to Brazil in the first place: NICK!! After serving an LDS mission in Brasilia for 2 years, he was ready to come home! He thought he was just going to be seeing extended family in São Paulo for a few weeks before returning to the states, but SURPRISE, we all came to see him! Nick had no idea we (all his siblings and their spouses) were coming.
At the airport, he was greeted by all of our Brazil family, then after things died down they started going down the hall when BOOM we ran up behind Nick and surprised him!
I love these photos of Nick and Vovo (our grandma). I love them both so much.

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Attending the temple and church together as a family was one of my favorite things. It makes me want to cry tears of joy seeing some of the people I love most together in body and spirit. I am so grateful for eternal families! I don't talk much religion on here, but my heart swells when I think about the gospel and what is has done (and does) for me and my family. God isn't good, God is amazing, incredible, fantastic, and all other wonderful adjectives.

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Here we are spending a fun evening at my cousin Kenia's celebrating my second cousin's birthday, Guilherme. Have fun re-reading that sentence like 40 times. haha. Our Brazilian family is allllll over the place haha.
A few of Vovo's great-grandchildren! Look at those cuties! James is cracking me up haha.
Tyson LOVES his aunt Vanessa. And I LOVE this photo of them!
THE WHOLE FAMILY! (Minus an 8 month pregnant Natalie, who wasn't able to come) Tyson is going a little wild in this photo haha
We visited my cousin Erlon's Padaria, which is basically a fancy bakery-cafe-restaurant-shop. We'll go with that. haha. The food was AMAZING and the burger McKay got was the size of his head. Wowza.
Here's some random pictures of James, including his suitcase bed (which he slept in the entire time) and his first time on the subway!

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We LOVED snapping a picture whenever Vovo was playing with James. It melted our hearts!!

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Aunt Kenia is the best! Look at her handle those two babies.

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A group photo after enjoying some fejuada with long time church friends!
On the left is James and Pai enjoying sacrament meeting, and on the right is what our little guy was like 75% of the time on the plane rides.

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Vovo and all her children!
A Family selfie after a long day of wandering São Paulo for shopping and tourism. Man our feet hurt! This is also the first time we faced James out in his carrier, he totally loved it!

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McKay found a coin shop while in São Paulo, we're going to become regulars, I guarantee it! He got lots of awesome Brazilian coins.
If you made it this far, I am beyond impressed haha
That's all for São Paulo!

Check out our other Brazil Adventures:

São Paulo

Rio - Pao de Acucar

Rio - Cristo Redentor


Riviera Beach

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