Saturday, December 10, 2016

McKay's 27th Birthday

27 seems so much older than 26. I feel like McKay is now suddenly wiser. more established. more... adult. haha
Here's McKay's annual birthday present photo. This year a baby is in the photo with him! It looks like a lot more than there is, most are accessories for his main gift. which I'll mention in a minute.
McKay had a fantastic birthday. How do I know? because I'm the best wife ever. I deserve an award for how much I spoil this guy. If you haven't caught on yet, I budget like crazy. Our entire trip to Brazil didn't make a dent in our bank account because I paid for it entirely with money I made off of private lessons with gymnasts in the last year. We were actually more than $900 under budget for the trip.
I budgeted for the past few months and saved up to get McKay something he really wanted. A MICROSCOPE.
Bonus: James loves it too! Here they are watching microorganisms wiggle around. Ah, what a good looking pair of scientists.
Of course I got it on sale, too. DUH. It's a nice high quality one, one you'd find in a high school or college lab.
McKay has been checking out anything and everything under that microscope. I also got the lens attachment that hooks up to the computer, so you can see everything digitally and take photos and videos of what's on the slides. SO COOL. Here a picture of some wiggly thing in our houseplant water haha. After observing it for a while, McKay appropriately named it "Sucker Slug". This man is my soulmate, guys. I love him to death. He's so funny!
A few other things he got was a 3D puzzle (he gets one every year), a couple shirts, a book, and double the amount of Guarana I thought I ordered hahaha. A mistake everyone in the house was happy I made. The two giant boxes off to the right of his birthday gift photo above are full of Guarana.
Enjoy these videos of my two favorite nerds!
[wpvideo 1txy4qzO]
[wpvideo UeO0zpz5]

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