Wednesday, December 21, 2016

James August - 4 Months

What a blessing this little guy is! <3 He lights up my life *Ba-dum-CHHH*
It seems like every blog post I say the same thing - James is the happiest baby known to man.He doesn't cry very often, and when he does, I think it's usually gas.
James LOVES to grab things. In just a week's time he went from wobbly arms somewhat reaching for his dangling toys to much more control and purposeful movements. It's amazing to watch him develop! I love it! I can't get enough of watching him concentrate on a task or observe something new, it's fascinating to me. While in school, some of my favorite subjects were human development and the reproductive system. They just amaze me. I love watching my past studies unfolding for me through James. I love seeing him pass through the developmental stages I learned about. Children are so fun to observe!
Anyways, James is developing wonderfully.
James loves high pitched noise, and is starting to figure out how to produce it himself haha we may need to hide the glass in our home because he's going to shatter it with that shrill squeal. He is a fan of standing and walking around. He's ok to sit and lay down too, but definitely prefers standing. 90% of the time he wakes up alllllll smiles. It makes my heart melt! This is a video of what it's like when he is waking up. Who is he laughing at?? It's adorable! (Sorry if the video is huge, I can't figure out how to make it smaller)

[wpvideo nx4vWqQJ]
Look at that happy Pai Pai!
A little while ago I cut out dairy (for the most part) because James seemed to be reacting as though he had a protein allergy. He was waking up at night constantly. I was getting 1.5 maybe 2 hour stretches of sleep and it was killing me. Well, it is killing me. He's still not a great sleeper, hasn't every really been. I guess one baby can't have it all! haha he'll have two or three good nights followed by a few weeks of horrible nights. There doesn't seem to be any pattern or connection to what is causing it. Or at least I haven't been able to find one. Honestly, I do think it's a combo of two things: waking up expecting to get nursed, and gas. James is a fantastic nurser, and I think he's used to being fed almost every time he wakes up at night ( because that's what we did for the first three months since they eat so often when they're so little). In the past month I've tried to cut his night feeding down to just one. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. And then I got Mastitis because my boobs are such overachievers (eye roll). It's been a rough road. Even if he does miraculously sleep for a 4-5 hour stretch, I wake up desperately needing to pump! I keep telling myself that *one day* he will sleep through the night. It's what's keeping me patient. That and McKay helping me out around 6 am. Have I mentioned the saint that is my husband? He's amazing. I can't imagine doing all this without him by my side. He is an incredible father.
James got to meed Santa at Home Depot, my dad's favorite place! That is why there is a level in the photo haha. Myparents and Nick took him, since I had to work that day, and they got the BEST photos! This kid is just too much!! Also, do you see James's fingers holding onto Santa's beard? Guess to found white hair in his hands hours later at home... hahaha
One last smiley video of my perfect little boy. So many people in this world love you, James!!!

[wpvideo PFPrjVQH]

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