Saturday, January 21, 2017

James August - 5 Months

5 months already! Woo! Look at this little dude cheesin' so hard. He's a crack-up!
James brings so much joy into our lives. He is a very happy baby! He just recently started laughing, and it's ADORABLE. Here are two videos we got of him cracking up, I've watched them roughly 8,000 times. haha.

[wpvideo bRjfk5hV]

[wpvideo Ycjmc3lL]
James is rolling all over the place! Front to back or back to front. He doesn't care, he'll roll it all! He seems like he's starting to prefer being on his stomach. He is also figuring out how to MOVE! He'll wiggle around on his stomach and end up a foot or two away from where we set him down.
He is also figuring out how to sit up and can do so for 10-15 seconds on his own before teetering over. Getting better every day!

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James absolutely LOVES when we shake blankets above his head. McKay will make blanket forts and I'll hear the two of them laughing and laughing for so long! It's wonderful! In just these past few days, his motor control with his hands has improved so much! He is so much better at reaching and grabbing than he was just a week ago.
We introduced solids! At 4.5 months, we fed him some rice cereal. We thought he was ready with how he would act while we ate. He'd study us and try to grab our food, open his mouth when we put food in front of it, etc. And guess what? He was DEFINITELY ready. after a spoonful or two, he was popping his mouth open for us and leaning towards the rice cereal. It was crazy! I'm so glad we got a video of it.

[wpvideo LIrEJKyf]
It will probably be another week or so before we start introducing actual foods. Things like mushed carrots, avocado, and so forth. I'm wanting to do baby led weaning, but not until he's at least 6 months. For now I think we'll stick with pureed foods since it's still early.

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About two weeks ago, I got ANOTHER bout of Mastitis. It was even worse this time than the first time. I was shaking uncontrollably, threw up, and hardly did a thing except lay in bed with James and watch college gymnastics for 3 days. It was so rough. And McKay was sick with a cold at the same time so I didn't really want him spending too much time with James to avoid James getting sick. Man, those few days were brutal.
To top things off, just after I rounded the corner and started feeling better, I felt like my milk supply suddenly dropped?? It's been strange around here lately. So many confusing things! James's weight hasn't changed much in the last month, so we have been told to start offering him some of my stored milk mixed with formula after every feeding. While he's having that bottle, I'm pumping trying to stimulate and help boost my supply. We'll see how that goes! I'm praying my boobs get with the program, but if not, I am so grateful for how much I've been able to provide for him thus far! And I expect that I'll continue to nurse him until he's at least 9 months, even if there's some formula supplementing going on.
He does this all the time while sleeping. It cracks us up!
James *was* sleeping better. Sleep training went so well. But then I got Mastitis and just after I felt like my supply dropped. So now we're back to nursing him as often as possible. To say I'm tired is an understatement. It's been so hard at night lately, but I hope things get back to "normal" soon!

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