Thursday, February 2, 2017


Right around February I start itching to get out of rainy, cold, winter weather and into some warm sunshine. The stars aligned and we were able to take a short, 3-day trip down to sunny Phoenix, AZ! It felt so good to get some much needed sun rays!
We stayed with our close friends, Becca and Q, who live right in the area. Their daughter, Addie, is just a week younger than James! It was a blast to watch the babies together. I mean, they're betrothed and all, so they better learn to get along haha.
We watched the sunset at North Lake. I feel like every place says, "our sunsets are the best!" But I think it's just sunsets that I love, in general. They're pretty spectacular regardless of location. I enjoyed the Arizona sunset just as much as I do the Brazil, Copacabana one, and the Cannon Beach, Oregon, one, etc.
On another day we returned to North Lake just to walk the mile-long loop that circles the lake. James was hooting and hollering like never before! He loves being in the carrier and he really loves being outside. Hopefully Portland warms up soon so we can get back to hiking around the gorge.

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Walking around the lake was fun. The temperature couldn't have been more perfect. And we saw some turtles!! Becca *almost* touched one before it hopped back into the lake, haha.
Most of our time was spent hanging out together and catching up. It's so fun to see how similar James and Addie are in some areas and how different they are in others. We never realize just HOW active and wiggly James is until we had him and Addie together for a few days. He's NUTS! Constantly reaching and grabbing and rolling and kicking and wiggling and moving and on and on and on. I wouldn't be surprised if he started crawling by 6 months. He's obviously got things to do and places to be. haha.
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