Tuesday, February 21, 2017

James August - 6 Months

Happy 6 months to this kid!
James August is half a year old, WHOA. That means McKay and I have successfully parented for half a year. That's insane! *pat myself on the back* This gig is not for the faint of heart!

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James August is going to give us a run for our money. He is ACTIVE. He is never not wiggling, moving, kicking, reaching, squawking, rolling, scooting, and on and on and on. He can get clear across the room in less than a minute. Oh goodness! He isn't crawling yet, but he is one heck of an efficient scooter! He'll scoot and squirm his way over to whatever he's interested in--which seems to be pretty much anything.

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James is sitting up on his own. Just after turning 5 months he figured it out. Now he's a pro!

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His biggest motivator is FOOD. Holy guacamole does this boy love his food. Whenever we are eating, he'll act like the world is ending until you give him a piece or a lick of whatever you're eating. I love it! I really hoped he would be super interested in food, and I certainly got my wish haha. This video is PROOF.

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Nursing has been going great. It seems like all the craziness that was going on has finally subsided. No Mastitis again and no weird supply changes. Hallelujah! James eats well about half the time. But like I said earlier, basically anything interests him, so he is SUPER distracted while nursing. I've figured out that if I can start feeding him before he wakes up too much after his nap, he'll nurse better. Half the time he wakes up laughing and squealing so that method doesn't always work haha.
Speaking of sleeping, James is doing better. Which means we both are doing better. He still wakes up every 4 hours or so throughout the night, BUT he is starting to sleep longer stretches more frequently. Just in the past two weeks he's slept 5-8 hour stretches about 6 times. Progress! I totally think it's the fact that he's now sleeping on his stomach. We'll set him down and he'll immediately roll over. He definitely likes sleeping on his stomach.

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James is obsessed with the bath. He loves the water and will kick his legs like crazy and chew on all of his toys. As soon as he hears the water running he starts screeching out of excitement!

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Currently he is around 27 inches long and over 16 lbs. Maybe if he wasn't moving 24/7 he'd actually weigh more haha. James looked a lot like McKay for the first few months, I think he's gradually starting to look more like me right now. We took this photo comparing McKay and James. We took it a bit late, but you can definitely see the resemblance!

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James is such a bundle of joy. He is just like McKay and I in the fact that he is easily pleased. Not much bothers him and he is happy and content most of the time. We absolutely LOVE hearing him laugh! It is the most wonderful sound in the world!

[wpvideo aRKMtQN2]

[wpvideo HMTia9iW]

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