Wednesday, March 22, 2017

James August - 7 Months

Our number blanket is packed away since we had a last minute move, so no month picture for James until we unpack in a few weeks! It's a good thing we have approximately 8 million other photos taken this past month to choose from haha.
James continues to be a happy baby 90% of the time. We love his temperament! He squeals, screeches, and coos all the time, he is turning into quite the talker. At six months, he had just figured out how to scoot. Now, he is a pro. We're surprised he hasn't actually started crawling yet, but he's close!
Lately, James has loved playing with his sound machine. He will scoot to it and turn it on and play with the volume. He'll turn it up and down and back up and down. It's pretty cute. He also has started to (very sloppily) clap! It's only happened a few times, but if we sing the birthday song in Portuguese he'll throw his hands together over and over. He still loves bath time, he's a water baby for sure! I'm searching for mommy and me baby swim classes to take while were here in Utah. This video of him in the bath cracks me up.
[wpvideo px1h06Uy]

James suddenly became a great sleeper. I have zero idea how! In a matter of three weeks we went from three night feedings to just one. It's been amazing. He is in bed by 9:30 usually and I dream feed him anywhere between 10:30-11:30. Then he was waking up to eat around 6 am, which I wasn't complaining about. I was perfectly happy with our new sleeping habits when he suddenly stopped waking up early in the mornings! Now he sleeps all the way until 8:30 am and it is glorious. He also has started taking longer naps, hooray! Most of the time he still wakes up happy and giggling, but since we've been here in Utah he's been waking up fussy and not napping as longer. Not sure why, but I'm sure it'll pass.
[wpvideo vof5tjkb]

James is super ticklish, especially his ribs and stomach. We love to play with him and hear him laughing, he'll usually end up grabbing my hair like the photo below haha. It hurts, but it's worth it!
James continues to obsess over food. He will eat anything and everything. He doesn't ever make faces, either! And we've given him a ton of different foods. He eats A LOT. 20-25 oz of breast milk (my best guesstimate), half an avocado, a chicken nugget, two jars (8 oz) of some pureed/mashed foods, and an adult handful of puffs. That's for sure what he eats every day. On top of that he eats bites of anything else we're eating like spaghetti, cooked veggies, toast with butter, eggs, anything we eat out, beans, rice, yogurt, etc.. That's not normal, right?? This is my first baby so I'm not sure what to expect. But it sure seems like a lot. It seems like he's always eating.
Despite all that food, this kiddo must have the highest metabolism known to man. He is very slowly gaining weight. He sure is tall, but he's just so light. His only rolls are the two on his wrists! He was slow to gain weight before we started solids and we were told he'd gain much faster after. Well. Long story short, he hasn't. And we're giving him all the foods recommended to help babies gain weight! Still no significant weight gain. I'm not worried about his development, he's right on track, a bit early even, with his milestones. I'm just not looking forward to hearing about it when we meet with our new pediatrician.
Right now, this is his favorite baby food. Honestly, he loves everything haha. But this flavor in particular he'll eat so fast. And I think it's the most disgusting flavor we've given him hahaha. It smells and tastes like dirt! But he loves it. Little weirdo.
I couldn't help but share this hilarious video. I was sitting beside James watching him play with his toys and I sneezed. It must've scared him or something because he flipped out! He was fine a few minutes later of course, but I couldn't help but laugh because it was so random and funny! There were many times before this I had sneezed and since then I've sneezed and he's been totally fine. I don't know why he was so upset about it this particular day haha.
[wpvideo y3RW3D1W]

Here he is a few minutes after the sneeze that scared him. Poor guy, haha.
Every night before bedtime we read a book to James. McKay is definitely way more fun than me, obviously. James totally prefers him over me. Can you blame him? I'm with him all day! I'd get bored of me too haha. Capturing moments like this melts my heart. McKay is a great father.
[wpvideo 832sN4OD]

Here's a few other cute photos I have. We love our little (hyperactive) ball of energy!

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