Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Oregon → Utah

In a few short days, McKay and I found out we'd be moving to Utah for the summer before heading down to Arizona for school. McKay headed out two weeks after we found out, then two weeks after that, James and I followed. I'll spare the details (cause I honestly don't think anyone cares haha) but it was a bit crazy! This past month has been all over the place. I am SO grateful that James has done such a good job at going with our flow.
We're finally settled into our apartment after a few weeks jam packed with family and events. After enjoying General Conference, we celebrated Tyson's 1st birthday. It was Luau themed with Hawaiian haystacks, fruit kabobs, Hawaiian music, and of course little umbrellas for our drinks haha.
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We also headed up to Idaho Falls for one of our Niece's baby blessings. It was a beautiful blessing and I can't express how happy I feel whenever I am at church surrounded by family. It's such a blessing to have the gospel in our lives!
We like our apartment and area. There's definitely been some action as of late, though. Our second night here, someone (completely unrelated to the complex) was shot and killed as they were driving through our complex trying to evade another car. Then just a few nights ago, McKay and I called 911 because our downstairs neighbor's apartment was full of smoke and nobody was answering the door. Yikes! Turns out the person downstairs is a student taking night classes, and they left their stove on. There wasn't any fire, luckily. Just a lot of smoke. I am so glad we called because after they kicked the door in and cleared out some smoke, the firemen came out with a puppy in a cage!
So, yeah. Our first few weeks here have certainly been eventful, to say the least haha.
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Here are some other random photos and videos!
Always happy to go for a Costco run :)
James fell asleep in my arms. It usually only happens at church, we spent nearly 2 hours in this mother's room!
This was James's first time watching TV. He was mesmerized!
[wpvideo 0yNyJOQg]
James fell asleep with his finger inside the pacifier. We laughed pretty hard about it! So random and cute. He is always doing this when he's on the floor, he'll stay in the "downward dog" position for almost a minute sometimes!
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Just another adorable video of our kiddo laughing while being poked by a ruler haha.
[wpvideo EXKP11YZ]

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