Thursday, December 8, 2016

Rio 2016

Rio was our vacation from vacation! We were so lucky to be able to leave James with my parents and family in São Paulo while we went to Rio. Andy and Katelyn did the same with Tyson! It was so nice to spend some one-on-one time with McKay. We had such a great time. Not to mention we got to wander around and shop on our own, which was fantastic! So My parent's 5 kids and spouses went to Rio together. Eric, Vanessa & Cam, Andy & Katelyn, McKay and I, and Nick. It was a fun siblings vacation.
Aside from Cristo Redentor and Pão de Acucar, here are the other things we did in Rio.
We spent time on the beach every day. How could you not?? It's Copacabana for crying out loud!

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Side note: Uber is AMAZING. It saved us so much money while in Brazil! It's over 1/2 as cheap as a taxi and much easier to use. I am a loyal Uber customer now.
McKay inhaled this ice cream. I hardly got any! And I was the one who wanted it in the first place haha.

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After searching for the farmers market all evening. We were caught in a windy rain storm and the market was basically closed. Most of the vendors didn't even come, dang! We took shelter under a food shack's umbrella. We got some food because... might as well! We couldn't leave in that torrential downpour. Also, I just noticed the server's photobomb... haha!!
This was the result of one Uber and several pieces of luggage! We made it to the airport, thankfully.
Brazil is full of awesome tiling along the streets, I've always loved them. When I saw one one a wall I needed a photo!! The ground was way to gross to lay down on haha so a wall was perfect for a photo.

We went out and got Yakisoba together for dinner one night. It was delicious! And Brazil's famous Churros. America is so behind on churros. Brazil (and many other places) fill the inside with delicious flavors like caramel, chocolate, condensed milk, etc. Get with the program, USA!

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While we were headed to Rio we had quite the crazy experience on the plane rides. Our plane was speeding down the runway and about to take off when it slammed on its brakes. A light had come on so the pilot stopped. A good call, obviously, but still so scary and unexpected. We were put on the next flight to Rio and all was well. But I will admit, I did freak out a little bit.
The picture on the left is from 2014, the right is from 2016. We loved the hotel we stayed at last time (and is prices) so we made sure to stay there again! 5 out of 5 stars, once again, Praia Lido Hotel. We love you! There was even some of the same workers as before.

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Check out our other Brazil Adventures:

São Paulo

Rio - Pao de Acucar

Rio - Cristo Redentor


Riviera Beach

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