Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Nelson Rett - 3 Months

Three months of Nelson!

I think things will keep on getting better, I tend to feel more sane the older my babies get. The first few months sure are rough. The crying and screaming bouts really take it out of you. But, somewhere around the beginning of October he suddenly just... stopped. He will usually have one or two cry/scream fits a day now, and they're much shorter - like 5-10 minutes. And growing less and less by the day. All the sudden he is MUCH smilier and content. He'll actually play with his dangling toys by himself and be out of someone's arms for longer than 5 minutes. He can just hang on his own playing/watching the world around him for nearly an hour now. It's been amazing in comparison to before.

Nelson is rolling over like a pro. He was already rolling at 2 months, but it was still sporadic. Shortly after I wrote that post he started doing it all the time. we are also very much in the kicking stage. He is constantly kicking his legs and wiggling around. He's graduated to the bumbo which gives him a great view to watch everyone. He's much more interested in the world around him and enjoys watching anyone play and move about.
He's found his hands and is sucking on his pointer and middle finger like there's no tomorrow. Which is causing him to soak his clothes with drool. I should probably get some bibs out.

Nelson is constantly pulling his arm in, we call it his t-rex pose. You can see it in the corn kernel picture above. I don't think he's quite realized he can relax them haha. Speaking of arms, he is also starting to open and close his hands when something brushes against either his arm or hand. He'll hold onto things for a bit before dropping them. It's fun watching him develop and grow.

I think three times in the last three months I've gotten more than a 3 hour stretch of sleep at night. I don't know if I'll ever escape the number three haha. The night usually has one three hour stretch and then it's two hours or less from there. Half the time, he's up every 45 minutes. I know we are
Honestly, I'm trying my best to keep things going and it's basically just a mess. I'm so extremely exhausted I don't feel like I can function. It's a good thing I'm with my parents while McKay is gone because I think seeing people during the day is the only thing keeping me grounded and somewhat sane. I certainly don't want to be told "Enjoy every moment". Just don't. I might explode. Some moments just suck. Motherhood isn't all wonderful. There are wonderful moments and beautiful moments but there's also moments uglier than I care to describe. This stage of life is hard. I hate having McKay gone. And not sleeping is taking its toll. I love my children and I love my life. And right now both those things are pretty hard. That's ok. I'll sleep again one day haha. Right now I'm just buckling down and bearing it. Pray that 1. these months fly by, and 2. that I can find the patience and strength to make it through! 

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