Sunday, August 12, 2018

Nelson Rett - 1 Month

One month with this sweet boy!
And wow, it's been a roller coaster. I think *maybe* we're starting to figure each other out, but honestly, I'm probably just jinxing it haha. As everyone knows, these first few weeks with a newborn have been a blur. I seem to be consistent in the babies I make, they nurse like champs but sleep terribly...
Ya win some, ya lose some.
Nelson eats fantastic and latched right on shortly after birth and has continued nursing great. Dare I even say, better than James? Who knows, I can't remember that much detail haha. His sleeping is crummy (which means we're all seeping crummy). But, just last night he slept 4.5 hours in a row which is a HUGE improvement from his 1-2 hour stretches I've been dealing with for the last 4 weeks. New sleep habit?? Probably not. Random anomaly? Most likely. Still cute? Yep. Most Certainly.

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Nelson seems to really like being on his tummy, so he has already developed some awesome head control. He's a curious little guy, and pops his head up to look around a lot. He is especially interested in anything outside. Looking up through tree branches at the sky is a favorite for him. Unlike most babies, his idea of a good time is a diaper change. I think he hates having a dirty diaper on his butt, so he instantly calms down once we start changing him.
Just after turning 3 weeks old, Nelson started to get REALLY fussy. After a few days, we reluctantly decided that he either had mild colic or was just a really fussy baby. I say mild because some of the stories I read are of babies screaming for hours on end, like 3pm-11pm. We're not nearly at that level. He'd cry no matter what we did to help, but he would fall asleep after about 1-3 hours. And evenings/nights were the WORST. He spent a few days either asleep or awake and crying/screaming. And that was rough. But, suddenly he seems better? For the last two days he's been much calmer and content, with much less crying/screaming. So maybe that week was just a fluke? Maybe he doesn't have colic after all? I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
So Nelson is much smaller than James was, so his stats are all right around the 50th percentile. Other than physically being smaller, he seriously looks EXACTLY like James. It's insane. We call him James on accident all too often, haha. I know this post is supposed to be about Nelson, but I just gotta mention James for a moment here. James has been AMAZING. He has so much love to give and truly is taking this transition like a pro. He is still my easy-going, happy kid.
By far the biggest blessing in our lives right now is being so close to family. We have had endless offers of help and service from my sisters and mom. I'm not a very emotional person but man, every time they do something so selfless and helpful I just want to burst into happy tears. Nelson is a harder baby than James, but this transition has been easier I think because my body didn't hurt nearly as much after birth. Having so much help with James and Nelson from family has been such a blessing. I don't know what we ever did to deserve such wonderful people in our lives.
In the picture on the right, I had tried to run some errands. Emphasis on tried. Haha. I ended up nursing Nelson in the car. And then he spat up on me (hence my wet shoulder). But hey, James was a happy camper so at least I got that going for me! Haha.

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And last but not least is this hilarious picture that truly shows our reality.

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