Tuesday, August 21, 2018

James August - 2 Years

Two years! I am in awe of the fact that I have had James in my life for TWO YEARS!
Short blog post version: James is wonderful. Energetic, kind, loving, hilarious, bright, and messy.
Long blog post version:
Right now James is beyond fun. I've say that every post haha but it just keeps getting better. I truly loved toddlers and kids. Since the beginning of his life I've been saying how excited I was to watch him grow. And it's true! Seeing him with Nelson is so fun. He's a fantastic big brother and so patient. There's zero signs of jealousy at this point and I'm hoping it stays that way.
James is such a goofball. He loves to laugh and is really good at making people laugh - even if he's not trying to. He's really into copying everything we do right now, and it makes for some funny moments. He also likes to help with everything. So naturally, things take forever and a day to get done, but I know the more he helps the better he'll get. Currently his favorites are wiping literally any mess ever and cleaning the toilets (HAH).

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One thing I've loved to watch is how social James is. He has always been so interested and curious about other kids and people. He is constantly saying (actually shouting) "HI!" to everyone. And he has zero problem walking up to others and starting to play and talk. I love it.

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James is finally evening out, with everything right around the 50th percentile. According to the doctor he is ahead with his speaking, which is fantastic considering we speak two languages. Usually bilingual kids tend to take a bit longer to speak, but not James! He is already speaking in sentences, and he picks up roughly a zillion words a day haha.

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James is not a homebody, just like me. So we get out as much as we can. It's harder now with Nelson, but we do what we can. He adores the Tracy Aviary, Curiosity Museum, any park/pool/splash pad, and when Vovo takes him to McDonald's.
I may or may not have a book buying problem, but that's a blog post for another day.... haha. Regardless, James really enjoys books. I have been so busy I haven't really sat with him to read together consistently like I did before, but I'm hoping once we finally move and things calm down, we'll be reading more. He enjoys interactive books the most, but also likes when I read to him and get really expressive.

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He still loves to eat most of the time, although when he's around a kid who says no to something he'll copy them and say no too. Most of the time I just give him a look and he eats but sometimes he puts up a fight.
[caption id="attachment_6037" align="aligncenter" width="369"]DMDU8527 He insisted on wearing both tie and bow tie to church.[/caption]
James is mischievous beyond all belief. I can't leave him to his own devices or he'll destroy things (but do it so innocently). We truly love having his around. I look forward to the moments we get together - just him and I. Just as I always say, grow James grow! I love watching you discover the world.

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