Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Nelson Rett Coffey

Nelson Rett Coffey made his debut on July 12th, 2018. We couldn’t be more in love! He has been a pure slice of heaven so far.
At my 38 week appointment I was 3cm dilated and 50% effaced. I was hopeful that Nelson would come early since he had already dropped and engaged a few weeks prior. When I had James, I wasn’t effaced at all, dilated past a 1, and James didn’t drop until active labor came.
So for Nelson, we started trying to naturally induce labor with walking like crazy, curb walking, pressure points, swimming, stripping my membranes, etc. (I also didn’t want another baby James’ size... I’m a small person and james’ 8.5 lbs and nearly 23 inch body did quite a number on me.) Luck for us, at 39 weeks, labor started! Woo!
Things progressed MUCH quicker this time around. Within 2 hours (around 2am), my contractions were already 5 min apart. So we called my mom to come over and stay at our house while James slept so we could head to the hospital. I was dilated to a 5 and admitted, yay! (To give you an idea of just how much quicker things went this time, I was only at 2 cm with James when they admitted me. And I got the epidural nearly 12 hours later at 4 cm. I was so happy to hear I was at a 5 already!)
I waited about 2 hours before receiving the epidural, partially because I could handle the pain at the moment, but then also because the anesthesiologist was super busy and running behind. He came just as I was starting to get panicky, thank goodness. Contractions were getting pretty rough at that point.
So for the next few hours, labor progressed as normal. I could feel the contractions and some were still painful, but nothing like before, hauleluja! They came in to check me at about 10:30 and we’re like “woah she’s ready! Let’s go!” Within two minutes the room was ready and we started to push.
Guys. Nelson popped right out on the third push! 😱 I was shocked!! James took 45 minutes, which isn’t even that bad, but Nelson was much smaller so I think that’s why it was so much easier.
They plopped the cutie right on my chest and there he stayed for about 2 hours.
Born at 10:40am on July 12th, 2018
7 lbs 2 oz
20 inches long
Nelson started nursing like a champ and hasn’t looked back. I was so happy!
It was so fun having James come and meet his new baby brother. Without prompting, James pointed and said “baby brother, Nelson!” And then he proceeded to want nothing to do with his new brother hahaha. We’d ask him if he wanted to hold Nelson and he’d shout “NOOO!”.
Luckily, the second day when James came to visit he was much more interested. And now that we’re home he’s super curious.

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