Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Baby #2!

Here we go again!
Except for it’s been waaaaaaay worse this time around. I’m now about 15 weeks, and things are going better than in the beginning. The first trimester was a roundhouse kick to the face. And gut. And chest. And basically every body part.
This pregnancy has been a night and day difference than my first. I’ve been extremely exhausted, and so so sick. I was hardly able to get up and do much of anything for weeks before I started taking medication for the nausea. I aim to get James outside playing at a park or something once a day, and that was pretty much the one thing I mustered up the willpower to do every day. I remember being tired and a bit nauseous here or there with my first pregnancy, but that was NOTHING compared to the beast of pregnancy #2.
[caption id="attachment_5942" align="aligncenter" width="386"]IMG_9215 Here's how we told family![/caption]
Despite his demanding school schedule and work load, McKay did what he could and didn’t complain about the chaotic house, wife, and toddler. Haha.
Luckily, the medication totally helped. The relief is probably partially due to the fact that I’m out I the first trimester, too. My energy is still low but I can manage.
Food: I didn’t want anything, not even smells, near me for the first 10 weeks. I was dry heaving at everything and was struggling BAD. We’ve never eaten out as much as we did in those first weeks. And it was mostly because McKay and James needed to eat something. If I tried to prepare anything, I would nearly pass out from nausea. I would feel better after sleeping, so naturally I was waking up 2-3 times a night to eat. I’d only be able to eat small things like a granola bar or string cheese, but that’s literally where 90% of my caloric intake came from. Now, at 15 weeks, I’m eating somewhat normally. It’s annoying having to eating every hour or two though. I get nauseous if I don't! I'm still waking up at night to eat *eyeroll*.
Body Changes: same as last time, only my stomach is changing, nothing else. I’m pretty sure I’m showing more than I was with James at this point.  The rest of me looks the same.
Weight gain: Well, last I heard it was negative haha. I had lost weight between my first two appointments because of how horrible I was feeling. Which is no bueno for someone my size. I was pretty sure I'd gained some by now, but I just weighed myself and I'm only at my normal, not-pregnant weight. I didn't gain anything until like 20 weeks with pregnancy #1, and that seems to be the case again.
Clothes: I’m wearing my normal tops, but can’t handle nearly anything on my waistline. Even the loosest band makes me cramp and so nauseous. I’ve been surviving in dresses, yoga pants, or no pants πŸ˜‚ ...that last one’s only at home though, don’t worry hahaha I’m waiting to get into my maternity stuff for when we find out the gender at 20 week, because it’s packed away with old baby clothes.
[caption id="attachment_5945" align="alignnone" width="595"]222222 12 weeks with James on the left, 12 weeks with baby #2 on the right! Aside from my hair... nothing looks too different haha.[/caption]
Movement: This baby is so different. At every ultrasound it’s just hanging out there. With an occasional twitch or wiggle. With James, he was moving every limb in every possible direction AT ALL TIMES. I can feel movement already, but again, it’s nothing like before. It’s like a big slow mass occasionally roooooooolling across my uterus. With James, it was nonstop kicks and jabs and pokes.
Mood: Kinda irritable. McKay would probably say definitely irritable. πŸ˜‚ I was a mess during the awful weeks of nausea because I was SO upset at how incapable I was of doing anything. I would get up and try and help McKay with something and then just burst into tears because I had to lay back down and felt so useless. It was rough.
What I'm looking forward to: GENDER!!! We both think it’s a girl because of how different this pregnancy has been.
Best moment thus far: When we had our first appointment and the ultrasound was displayed on a screen and James got SO HAPPY! I thought in that moment, "Hey! You must know who that is, huh?" πŸ˜Š

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