Sunday, March 18, 2018

22 Weeks With No. 2

I had a doctor’s appointment a few days ago so I figured it was a good time for an update! For the past few weeks, things have been mostly uneventful (which is great). My nausea is gone, I’m not nearly as exhausted, and I am going about as normal. πŸ™ŒπŸΌ
We found out baby is A BOY! And we need some seriously help with a name because we can’t agree or decide on anything. HELP!
Food: I’m pretty much back to my normal self, YAAAAY. I can eat pretty much anything without issue.
Body Changes: Just my stomach. Quite literally. This baby is almost identical to James with the placenta basically on my spine and with how my body is changing. I’m just now starting to show, and even then, if I wear a baggy shirt nobody would have any clue.
Weight Gain: Despite STILL getting up at night to eat πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„ (so over it), I have only gained 2 lbs. Which if I remember right, is pretty similar to things were the first time around. Back to the night snacking though, WHYYY is it still happening?! πŸ˜‚ I feel like my weight gain is not reflecting my intake too well. Haha or maybe I really am eating smaller portions than normal so it’s all balancing out. Who knows.
Clothes: I pulled out the pregnancy clothes and I am SO HAPPY. My stomach and intestines and heartburn are so much better when I don’t have a waistband. It’s crazy how the loosest waistband will still cause bloating and cramping.
Movement: I feel little man all day long. Little blips here and wiggles there. At night before we go to bed he’s a real party animal (for like 30 min). And I think his movement causes me to wake up often. I think I’m way more aware of the movement this time around.
Mood: Doing well πŸ‘πŸΌ I’m starting to get super laid back and I’m not anxious about things that normally would bother me. Which is what happened when I was pregnant with James, haha. I probably say or think “eh, it’s fine.” Or “meh, it’ll all work out” like 5” times a day haha.
What I’m Looking Forward Too: Moving! We got our rotation schedule and we’ll be headed to UT in June. I’m so excited to be around some family again!
Best Moment So Far: Not being horribly ill. πŸ˜…
Here I am at 20 weeks with James on the left, and baby number 2 on the right!

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