Monday, September 25, 2017

Camping 2017

We were so excited when our new ward announced a camping trip. It had been a long time since McKay and I had camped (almost 3 years I think??). We both enjoy camping, and were excited to take James for the first time! We upgraded our 2 person tent to an 8 person tent. We didn't want to buy a 4 person tent then just have to upgrade again in a few years, so we went big. We got such a good deal for our tent, we bought it used (thank you, OfferUp) and when we set it up it looked brand new! Woo!
We drove an hour and a half north of Phoenix and met other members of our ward at the campsite. The area was perfect! There was a large rocky hill that everyone had a blast climbing and exploring. We went up and down several times with friends.
The view from the top was pretty nice, too. I think this is one of my favorite photos of McKay and James ever.
We made James his very own tin foil dinner for the first time! He expressed his enjoyment by throwing the food all over... but some of it did make it into his mouth, so that's good. haha.
It was so fun getting to know so many other families in the ward. A few of the kiddos would constantly run up to me and ask if they could steal James haha. You bet James loved the attention! He was so happy to be running free in the dirt, rocks, grass, and who knows what else. One family brought their dog, and OH BOY. James did not want to let Mr. Fox out of his sight! If I turned around and he was gone, I'd usually find him with Mr. Fox.
During the night, it got cold, around 50*, so when James woke up, we just brought him over into our sleeping bags. We always zip our bags together anyways, so there was plenty of room. James isn't snuggly or cuddly at all, so I am surprised at how much he enjoyed being with us! too bad I didn't sleep much after that haha he moves too much in his sleep.
We are so excited to be here in Arizona and in this ward! Here are the rest of the photos I wanted to share.

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