Friday, December 8, 2017

It's Been a While!

I haven't posted much lately, and I'm totally fine with that. Why? Because our small business (Our Cup of Coffey) has totally taken off in the past few months! I think it's partially because it's the holiday season, but we've also been putting a lot of work into promoting and getting our name out there. In October, we did Pinner's Conference!
My sister flew out to help take care of James which was a HUGE help! We didn't expect the conference to be a huge as it was. She also got to attend lots of fun classes for free since she was a part of our booth staff, so that was a huge plus for her, too!
Pinner's Conference is a massive market that is pretty popular. We got SO MUCH exposure! It was fantastic! But, it was also so. much. work. We were so so busy preparing beforehand and then creating and fulfilling orders afterwards.
After reviewing some plans for a road trip through Cali to visit some national parks, we just didn't feel right about it. So, we ended up cancelling. And what a blessing that decision was! During that week we were gone, we got on average three orders a day. Which is INSANE. And then we got an order for 675 ornaments. SIX HUNDRED AND SEVENTY FIVE.
But wait, there's more!
Because we stayed in town, we were able to do another local market which turned out to be a huge success as well.
I am beyond grateful for the success we've seen lately with Our Cup of Coffey. It's been so helpful to have some income while in school. That being said, I am definitely looking forward to after the holidays are over and business slows down a bit so I can catch my breath!

A Few other things that have happened in the past few months...
McKay received his white coat!
James and I flew to Utah for my sister's baby shower. It was so fun being around family again! And seeing James and his cousin, Tyson, play together had me melting. Tyson is a few months older than James and they absolutely adore each other. They'd run around everywhere together and get so excited when they saw each other.
Lots of other things happened as well, but I'm going to make blog posts for them individually because I don't want this post to turn into a novel!

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