Monday, August 21, 2017

James' First Birthday

What better way to celebrate James turning one than with his favorite thing of all time.... BANANAS.
Yep, we had a BYOB party (Bring Your Own Banana). It turned out so great! We celebrated while we were still in Utah so we could have some friends an family there. It was perfect. Good company, yummy food, presents, cake, and some adorable kids running around. I was able to get all the decorations super cheap online so I was super happy about that!
The only thing I'm bummed about is the photos, for some reason, my camera was on the wrong setting and I didn't notice until later! So almost every photo is blurry. Oh well, nothing I can do about it now.
You can read all about James' 12 month up date here.
Here are a few photos from the party!
McKay groaned when I said I got him a banana shirt, so I offered to get him a banana costume as well as a joke and he actually went for it!
Both James and one of his cousins, Tyson, loved opening all the gifts! James got a few books, some bath toys, a blanket, and a fun game where you hit balls through a slot with a hammer and they roll back to you.
Moments before digging into his cupcake!
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James showed everyone his love of bananas just after the party started. He found a few bananas sitting on the table and screeched while dragging them around until someone opened one for him hahaha. Then he proceeded to run face first into the banana, take a huge bite, and continue running around the room again. Once he was finished chewing a piece, he ran back for more. This photo is crazy blurry, but it's hilarious!

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