Friday, August 11, 2017

Idaho 2017

Whew. Here we go on a looooooong series of blog posts. We moved from Utah to Arizoa, but not without taking a huge road trip to visit lots of people and places. Our first stop was Rexbur, ID!
We were so happy to be able to be there for Kristi's graduation. It was a lot of fun to get together with a handful of Coffeys. Kristi's graduation was great and I actually ended up seeing my sister and her husband's family there, too! They had a daughter graduating.
We snapped some photos in the gardens at BYU-I before attending the graduation.
McKay and I were so grateful to stay at the Hepworth's home there in Rexburg. We felt so welcomed! The Hepworths are McKay's sister's in-laws, and it's crazy how they feel like much closer family than they are.
We spent a few hours at Rigby Lake and I LOVED IT. It was so perfect! The weather, the paddle boards, the water temp, and most of all the people. We had so much fun with Katie, Kristi, and the Partridge clan. I didn't realize just how much I miss coaching until I'm around kids again. It makes me cry when I think about all those sweet girls I coached back in Oregon. The Partridge kiddos are so full of energy and spunk, I love it! Running around, doing handstands, pushing each other off of docks, paddling around together, the list goes on and on.
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We also met up with Eric and Natalie who live in Idaho Falls, and then we all went and played laser tag together with Jacob and Xochilt, some more Coffey cousins.
I know several people think they married into a great family, but they're wrong. I definitely married into the BEST family there is!

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