Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Timpanogos Caves

This was the end cap to a crazy busy week. We spent Monday - Friday in San Diego, then woke up early early EARLY on Saturday for McKay to run his 5k race. Then later than same day we hiked all the way up to and explored Timpanogos Caves. WHEW!
We were so tired by the end of the day. But, as usual, we wouldn't have had it any other way. We love exploring!
The hike up to the Timp Caves was 1.5 miles, but it was STEEEEEEEP. It took us about an hour to get up. Because the elevation gain was so fast, we were able to enjoy some pretty great views!
[caption id="attachment_4981" align="alignnone" width="5184"]IMG_8118 Look at these baby wearing men! Hooray for awesome fathers![/caption]
We did the hike with our good friends the Palmers, and Vanessa and Cam, my sister and her husband. We're all leaving Utah in the next few months, so we wanted to check out the caves before we all moved.
There were a few fun holes in the mountain side we got to walk through.

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I know there's always WAY more photos of McKay and James than there is of me. I don't mind, though. I ask McKay to snap a photo every now and then so that I'm actually in some to prove I actually did all these things too haha.
Only 16 or so people are allowed in the caves for a tour at a time, so we had to wait until our allotted tour time. I like that they do that because it makes the tours way more fun when it's a small group. Our group only had about 12 people total. Our guide was great! He showed us so many cool and unique cave formations and taught us all about how they were created. Here are some of our favorites. This one is called "Great Heart" and it's one of the biggest stalactites in the cave system. The peaks of Mount Timpanogos make an outline of a woman, Utahna, and legend says that her heart is right here in the caves. The actual legend is this whole story of love and death and drama and gods of this and that... But basically, this is Utahna's heart.
This shows several different formations. Our guide talked about all those little squiggly formations that basically look like curly fries, apparently they haven't quite figured out why and how those are formed.
It's definitely hard to get a decent shot inside the caves haha. Here's one of us in the largest cave room we got to enter. I would say this was James' favorite room because he actually got to walk around a bit.
The cave tunnels were narrow and we had to duck and squeeze around lots of things.

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At one point during the tour, we walked probably 200 feet deeper into the mountain through this carved tunnel that was probably 7 feet tall and 4 feet wide. at both ends of the tunnel there were these massive steel doors. They're supposed to stay closed to help preserve each different cave room. Anyways, so the guide asked a man who was in our good to be the official door-closer. He warned everyone that it was loud, but of course I forgot.
Well, as were going down this deep tunnel the man did his job and closed the door. Except it was LOUD.
I skyrocketed into the air. 3 feet up. No joke.
I'm lucky I didn't pee my pants.
I'm also lucky I'm short so I didn't hit my head on the ceiling!
It was just me and 3 other people I didn't know at the back of the line so they started laughing so hard. Talk about embarrassing!! You couldn't tell how red my face was because the tunnel was so dark, thank goodness.
After the tour was over we hung out at the top and enjoyed the view for a few minutes before starting our way down the mountain.

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