Thursday, June 29, 2017

Lakes Mary, Martha, & Catherine

This hike had nearly everything, blazing hot sun, cold lake water, bare, dry ground, swamp, snow, views, cliffs, lakes, rivers, and even more. We invited our good friend Taylor to hike with us and we had such a great time. These three lakes are all on a 3.5 mile out and back trail near Brighton Ski Area.
We started out the hike headed to Lake Mary. It was HOT! By the time we got there I had a gnarly head ache and didn't think I'd continue. But after hanging there for a bit it went away and I felt good as new. I don't think it was the heat and hiking so much as it was the fact that I had taken my birth control pill on an empty stomach that morning... definitely a bad idea. I was down and out for a good 3 hours before the nausea and pain passed.
Anyways, James had a great time splashing in the water and climbing some rocks. Yes, CLIMBING. He climbed a good 3 feet up! The guys were skipping rocks and throwing them far into the lake to try and hit a small rock island out there. They finally hit it but it took foreeeeever.
After a bite to eat we headed over to Lake Martha. The trail sort of disappeared so we kinda meandered around in the general direction of Martha. She is much smaller and not nearly as picturesque. You can see her in the background of this next photo.
We didn't stop here long before we moved on to find Lake Catherine. Boy oh boy was this an adventure haha. The trail was quickly completely covered with snow. So basically there was no trail. Luckily there was cell photo reception so we just somewhat followed the map on my phone.
We got to a point with a really steep bank of snow, and I decided I'd stop there with James because I didn't want to risk falling and sliding down the bank. It was about time for him to nurse a bit, too, so it worked out.
The guys went on ahead to find Lake Catherine, which was just over the big steep snow bank. She was almost completely frozen over!
I heard McKay whistling for me as they were headed back after seeing Catherine. I got a good view of them on the top of the ridge and then they did THIS:

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You can't tell very well, but McKay actually STANDS UP halfway through! They're crazy.

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