Monday, June 19, 2017

San Diego - Midway & Maritime Museums

Hooray for museums! They are so cool. History is fun. I'm so grateful for places like the Midway and Maritime Museum where we can learn about the past and about how things work. Yay knowledge!
The Midway Museum was neat. We didn't get the chance to check out the entire thing, but that's fine. We got there about an hour before they closed, so we knew we wouldn't get a whole lot of time.
I loved seeing all the different types of aircraft and I couldn't stop gawking at how these pilots and people on the aircraft carriers live. HOLY GUACAMOLE I could never live like that. Ok, the REAL reason we didn't get to see everything is because I had a super weird almost panic-like attack. We went down into the living quarter and kitchen areas and such and I just started to get SO clammy. Tingling fingers, getting hot and faint. It was weird. I felt claustrophobic and was like "Uuuuh. I don't like this. Gotta go."
Soooooo we didn't get to see much down there. I just couldn't handle thinking about life on a ship like that!
We spent more time at the Maritime Museum. I liked that there were so many different ships to check out. It was nice seeing a ship from the 1700s then 10 minutes later being in a submarine.
James certainly seemed to enjoy the ship's wheel. He even got a nice taste of it too haha. I've kinda given up trying to keep him from eating things that shouldn't be eaten. Oh well.
The submarine was CRAZY. Things everywhere. Cords, buttons, handles, pipes, lines, lights, switches, doors, compartments, and on and on and on. We walked down there and I immediately said "McKay, THIS is what the inside of a woman's head is like." The longer I thought about it, the more I realized just how true it was. It takes like 10 people to run that ship. And only one woman to try and run her mind. And everyone wonders why we start to go a little crazy at some point.
These tiny door were funny to crawl through. But mostly I just wanted to share this picture of James because his expression cracks me up! Also he looks so old in this photo.
Another door picture just to point out that wall to the left. That was the simpler looking part of the submarine. Yikes!
James is just too fast. I'm pretty sure he got a hold of (then a taste of) this rope is less that .2 seconds. He's so content, just give him anything to munch on and he's a happy camper.

The rest of our San Diego Adventures:

San Diego - La Jolla Cove

San Diego - Mormon Battalion and Temple

San Diego - Zoo

San Diego - Point Loma

San Diego - Everything Else

San Diego - Day in LA

San Diego - Midway and Maritime Museums

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