Sunday, May 21, 2017

James August - 9 Months

Look at this big boy! 9 months! He's almost been out for as long as he's been in :) May 30th is the 40 weeks, 2 days mark.
9 months.jpg
James is WALKING.
Heaven help me.
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James has been standing for a while now. He'll let go of things and free stand just fine, but doesn't usually take steps on his own unless we coax him. All we have to do is whip out our car keys ...or a banana. He is OBSESSED with bananas haha. As soon as he sees either the keys or banana he'll start walking towards them. He's not too great at it yet, but I definitely don't think it will take very long. At this rate, I'm gonna blink and he'll be running. Oooooh boy.
I've mentioned before how James rarely sleeps in our arms. Well the other day McKay took him out of the car seat and he must've been exhausted because he kept sleeping on McKay! You can tell McKay soaked in every second of it :)
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A few of his favorite things currently are:
Going outside. He LOVES being outside. We go hiking a lot (as if all the hiking blog posts didn't tell you that already haha) and he is so content up in the mountains and on the trails. He coos and squeals and reaches for all the fun, exciting, things.
He still eats like a mad man, but still weighs next to nothing haha. He'll eat basically everything I put in front of him. And if were eating, he MUST HAVE SOME.
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He also (still) loves water. I don't think this one will ever change! James could probably stay in the bath for hours if I let him. We got him a few new bath toys and he's in heaven. We have little boats that whistle when you tap them, a wind up turtle that swims, and those foam letters.
We go swimming whenever we can, currently it's been at friends pools since the one at our complex isn't open yet. James is learning how to swim so well! He already goes under the water and kinda swims/flails towards us. It makes me so excited! I will have to get a video of it the next time we're at the pool.
James babbles so much now and it's adorable! I love listening to him babble away as I'm doing things around the apartment. Currently, he plays so well on his own. I dreading the day when the separation anxiety kicks in. I know some kids don't ever really go through that, so I'm hoping that's what happens for us!
I dropped some spinach on the ground while making a sandwich, and my mom went to pick it up and I was like "oh no, just watch". And this little dude scurried over and started chowing down hahaha. I give him raw spinach almost every day, he loves it. So when I dropped some on the ground I knew he'd end up eating it! You can judge me now for letting my kid eat off the floor.
James clicks his tongue all the time, claps his hands, and has learned what several words mean. I try to only speak to him in Portuguese. I REALLY want him to be able to communicate with our family there in Brazil. I know he won't be very proficient and his vocabulary will be limited, but learning a second language is so important to me. McKay does a decent job at speaking in Portuguese too, but forgets often. I forget sometimes too. English is our default language, so it's a constant effort to speak in Portuguese. But I'm going to keep trying my hardest and hope he learns. ANYWAYS, he recognizes and understands the words "nao", "da chupeta", "da", "banana" and probably a few others. Those are "no", "give pacifier", "give", and "banana", respectively. He obviously knows his name, too.
We've been working on learning baby sign language too, but he's not picking up on it as well as I expected.

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