Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Rocky Mouth Falls

Another short and sweet hike as a family. We like these short hikes because we can still do them on days when McKay works until 5 or 6.
It has rained and snowed here more than usual in the past few weeks, so there has been so much GREEN! It felt like we were exploring the Columbia Gorge like last year. We miss all the luscious color there.
This hike was our first time using our carrier! We like it. And James sure seemed to as well. He was up higher so he could see more, which might explain all the squealing and squawking coming from him haha.
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I really enjoyed hopping around all the rocks in the waterfall runoff! I honestly couldn't tell you why I love doing that so much haha. I should list that under my hobbies, wood burning, gymnastics, hiking, rock hopping...
I am so happy we've been able to explore and take James outside to see the world (aka anything that isn't the inside of an apartment) as much as we have so far. And in the next month we have a southern Utah trip planned and a vacation to San Diego! Whew! I'm super excited. And it seems weird, but it's true when I say that I'm most excited to see James react and experience new things. It bring me so much joy! What is he going to do when we introduce him to sand? The ocean? who knows! That's why I'm so excited to find out :)

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