Monday, May 15, 2017

Bells Canyon Reservoir

If you hadn't caught on yet, we're trying to get outside and experience as much as we can while we're here in Utah. We don't think we'll ever be living here again, so we're doing as much as possible!
James and I get so bored cooped up inside, so I've been going on hikes with other hike-loving moms in the area. It has been so fun! This was a short but steep hike to a reservoir. I loved it! The trail was full of boulders and rocks, making it way fun. And at the reservoir there were ducks to watch and lots of half submerged rocks to hop around on! Seriously, bouldering and jumping and all that is my jam. I love exploring. And with all the squealing going on behind me, I get the hunch that James likes it too. :)

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