Monday, July 25, 2016

Seaside Beach

Some quick photos from our stay at Seaside a few weeks ago. It was kinda last minute, so just parts of the family were able to come. While there, we were lucky to have some of the best weather we've ever seen at Seaside!
We went into the pool and hot tub every day, sometimes twice! Here I am at 36 weeks. Almost there!
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We spent a day down at Cannon Beach and visited Ecola State Park and Indian Beach. The views and weather were amazing!
On another day we headed up to Astoria. I finally got to fulfill a lifelong dream of trying glass blowing! It was amazing and so much fun! I definitely will be doing it again.
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We also climbed the Astoria Column, and I STILL didn't go into labor (insert eye roll emoji)
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Of course we had to stop by the Tillamook Cheese factory. The cheese is good and all, but you can never say no to that amazing ice cream!
McKay very much so enjoyed this "Heart Attack Stack" burger.
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My mom and dad created a photo scavenger hunt which was awesome. They send us off with a stack of photos of things at Seaside and we had to find the spots and recreate the photo as best we could! It was wonderful to see our Utah family again. Especially Tyson! The weekend was relaxing and fun. Perfect way to wind down before baby comes.

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