Friday, July 8, 2016

2016 Coffey Family Reunion

We had an absolute BLAST last week while we were in Austin, TX for a family reunion with McKay's family! Between all 37 members of his family, 36 were able to attend! And within a year that grand total will change to 39, because two precious babies are on their way :) Our little guy in August, and another little girl in October.
The three days were packed with family fun. Things sure got crazy with 19 kiddos running around! We swam in a neighborhood pool, rented a giant, inflatable slip n' slide, spent a few hours on a boat on the lake, had a fantastic water balloon fight, played plenty of games, and enjoyed a morning at the Austin Aquarium.
This was my first time meeting over half of McKay's family in person, it's about time!! haha. I had such a great time, I'm already looking forward to our next reunion in a few years.
Look at all those goofy grandkids!! <3
Here's a few of my favorite photos, it was hard to choose just a handful from the 2,000 or so we have! I may have gone a little to trigger happy with my camera...

[caption id="attachment_2433" align="aligncenter" width="5184"]IMG_3212 Some of the kids were on the slide nearly ALL DAY![/caption]
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All the adults! We photoshopped Aaron in, so this photo has all 9 Coffey children and their spouses!

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