Sunday, June 12, 2016

30 Weeks

This may be a short blog entry, as my pregnancy hasn't changed all that much! In fact, I have been called "boring" twice by my doctors. haha. I haven't had anything concerning happen and feel fine, so I guess to them, I am boring! I'm definitely counting my blessings on that one, my subsequent pregnancies might not be so boring.
In the past month, I have definitely "popped". There's no mistaking the fact that I'm pregnant!
Food: Same old, same old. Nothing seems revolting and I don't ever obsessively crave things. BUT, I do get annoyed at how little I can fit in my stomach!
Body Changes: Like I mentioned before, I am clearly pregnant to any and all. But there's a catch! You can only tell from the front and side. If you're looking at me from the back, I don't look pregnant in the least (Hallelujah). Sometimes, if I'm wearing a black top, you can hardly tell from the front.
Weight Gain: I am up 15-18 lbs (largely dependent on my water intake of the day). With 10 more weeks to go I should hit 25-30 lbs no problem. I can definitely feel the weight making a difference, I have had SI pain that is gradually getting worse, boo. I can also feel how tired my body is now after work, which wasn't a problem until 2 weeks ago!
Clothes: I now have a section in my closet where I'm gradually putting all the tops that don't fit right now, it'll be like Christmas when I pull them out again!
Movement: This little guy is just as active as ever. It seems almost constant that he moves. And he is definitely getting a little too interested in my ribs... ouch!
Mood: Surprise, surprise, nothing here.
What I'm looking forward too: At the moment, that exercise ball from heaven. I'm gonna go spend some time with it after posting this! I don't understand how that thing is so comfortable. But hey, it works and I'm not gonna question that.
Best moment thus far: Being able to do the things I still love (hiking, coaching, woodburning, etc.) with very few problems! I am so grateful for this healthy pregnancy.

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