Friday, May 13, 2016

Baby(day)moon Part One: Mt. Hood

Read about Part 2: Oregon Coast of our baby(day)moon HERE!

The moment McKay and I realized we both had Wednesday off work we started planning a hike to go on. Well, what started as one hike to a lake turned into two. Then we added the beach, but we couldn't decide between Cannon Beach or Seaside, sooooo we did both. And that's how our day off became our last minute baby(day)moon! And that's also how I ended up logging over 21,000 steps on my Fitbit. WOWZA.
Babymoons are a thing now, it seems. But, we knew we'd never get the chance to actually take a trip somewhere so we dismissed the idea. Our last minute baby(day)moon was perfect! It's funny how sometimes the things you throw together just beforehand turn out to be some of your favorite memories :)
Part one of our plans was to head up to Mt. Hood! (I'll write another post about part two, the Oregon Coast!) We wanted to visit Mirror Lake, and since Trillium Lake is only 15 minutes away from Mirror Lake, we went ahead and checked it out too.
The view of Mt. Hood from Trillium. So beautiful!!

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After enjoying Trillium (and seeing a bald eagle!) we headed to the Mirror Lake trail head. The hike was beautiful! We never get tired of how green Oregon is. The hike was fairly easy, 3 miles, a steady incline the whole time, and lots of fun things to check out along the trail. We played around the creek, McKay found a millipede,  we caught a frog, and even climbed in some trees! And I only had to stop for a break once :)
Still climbing trees at 6 1/2 month pregnant haha. You just can't keep my feet on the ground, apparently!
Mirror Lake was fantastic. The Lake itself is really more like a pond... It only took us about 10 minutes to circle the whole thing. We tried to take pictures while the wind wasn't blowing, and the lake sure does live up to its name, it reflects Mt. Hood so well!

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