Friday, May 13, 2016

Baby(day)moon Part Two: Oregon Coast

Read about Part 1: Mt. Hood of our baby(day)moon HERE!

After hiking around Mt. Hood all morning, we hopped back in our car and drove straight to the beach. We love how close Portland is to both hiking in the mountains and the coast. We can drive 45 minutes - 1.5 hours to the east and enjoy hundreds of hiking trails, or we can drive 1.5 hours to the west and peruse the beach. It's wonderful. We liked the convenience so much that we decided to cram it all into one day haha. Crazy us! We left the house at 7:30 AM and arrived home at 11 PM. Babymoon? More like 15 hour workout! By the end of the day, my Fitbit had logged over 21,000 steps. That's more than we walked at Disney World last year, and I wasn't pregnant then!
We arrived at the beach at about 2:30, which gave us about 6 hours of daylight. We first went to Seaside beach where we checked out an antique mall. We also wanted to feed some seals at the local aquarium, but they changed it to where you have to pay the museum entrance fee to see the seals. Before you could just walk in and check them out. Bummer.
Since we didn't have much planned for Seaside, we headed to Cannon Beach where we first visited Ecola State Park. We love this place! It's where we ended up spending a majority of our day.
Ok, this was too funny. So while at Ecola Point we opened our giant bag of Doritos and started munching as we were walking along. We gave a few crumbs to some squirrels and a crow. The squirrels went on their merry little way, but the crow... It followed us around for a good half hour! The thing was adorable. It would hop along 10 feet behind us or hop from branch to branch on the trees above us. McKay named him Todd. Watch the short video to see him tailing us hahaha.
This picture of McKay and Todd cracks me up!
After the viewpoint (and half a bag of Doritos later) we drove further into the park to Indian Beach. This is where we spent most of our day and where we took a ton of photos. Sorry in advance for more photos than you care to see!
I am slowly but surely losing sight of my feet... 26 weeks pregnant and feeling great!
One of McKay's favorite things is beach combing. He spent a good two hours exploring and finding things. He's going to have so much fun with our kids :)  Here he is running back to me with another sand dollar, this time a whole one! While I logged 21,000 steps, McKay probably took more than 25,000 with all that running back and forth haha.
After a few hours at Indian beach we took a break and headed into town for some ice cream and to see Haystack Rock, the main attraction of Cannon Beach!
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We've been collecting pressed pennies our entire marriage. We have two penny books, one full of Disney World pennies and the other is almost full with pennies from all the places we've been together :) It's one of the first things we look for wherever we go! We have over 50 pressed pennies already.
Haystack rock is huge!! Here's McKay with haystack behind him. The beaches look a lot emptier than they were, I just tried to time the photos I took so there weren't as many people in them. Seaside had lots of people while Cannon beach had some, but not nearly as many.
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Another bump photo, I just can't believe how big I'm getting.
Back to Ecola State Park we went! McKay wanted to explore more and we wanted to watch the sunset from Indian Beach.
McKay took this shot and I absolutely love it! Probably my favorite picture we have of the whole day.
I expected to feel way more sore the next day than we did. Lucky us! It was such a blessing that we were able to enjoy this day together. It's going to be a lot harder to find days like this once the baby comes. Especially while McKay is in grad school. We'll never forget our awesome baby(day)moon :)

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