Thursday, February 25, 2016

Boom, baby!

The word is out, I'm pregnant! We're rounding the corner of week 15 and I feel equal parts annoyed that growing a baby takes so long and surprised that it's already been that long. Right now, the baby is about 3.5 inches long and roughly the size of a pear, cool!
The first trimester wasn't awful, but it wasn't particularly enjoyable, either! No, I did not (and have not) thrown up. Hallelujah! But I definitely have had my fair share of nausea, headaches, fatigue (holy guacamole the fatigue was brutal), and let's not even talk about how my digestive track has whacked out to the extreme. Despite feeling crummy most of the time, I still was (and am) able to coach, exercise, and do the things I normally do. Wahoo! I just kept saying to myself (and McKay), "I'm pregnant, not handicapped. I can do this!" Thank goodness that portion is behind me.
Just two weeks after finding out we were expecting, we found out that our best friends Becca and Q were too! And to make things better, after our first appointments we got our prospective due dates... August 19th and August 24th. FIVE DAYS. My best friend and I are due FIVE DAYS APART with our first babies. It's too good to be true!! And I'm telling you, we didn't plan this! Here's how we announced to the world.
Here's the run down of how I'm feeling now:
Energy? Much more than before, but not as much as pre-preggo me had.
Food? Can you believe that I complain about how tired I am of eating?? Let me repeat that. I'm. Tired. Of. Eating. Like, what? Who even am I right now? But, it's true. I eat almost every hour or two. It's because I can't eat very much! I have never been one to over-eat, no matter how delicious the meal. To me, the feeling of a overstuffed stomach is just as uncomfortable as an empty one. Now that I'm pregnant, the feelings of hungry and full both come with a bonus... nausea. If my tank isn't half full 100% of the time, I feel sick. LAME. Because of that, I'm constantly eating although it's not much at a time.
I also don't seem to have many aversions (anymore). The only consistent turn off has been beef jerky. How ironic. I would reward kids at work with free time for giving me a piece of beef jerky, and now I feel woozy just writing about the stuff. What the heck, pregnancy?! You can imagine how well things went over when I was like, "Uh, you guys should stop offering me *gag* beef jerky. I don't want it anymore."
Body changes? HAIR. Where is this stuff coming from? (jk I know it's from estrogen) But, really. Despite my parents and siblings all having thick luscious hair, I some how got the thin, scragly, fine hair genes. Thanks to pregnancy I now have less-thin, scragly, fine hair. Sweet!
Weight gain? None yet. I'm hoping for a pound or two by the time I'm at my appointment next week.
Clothes? Still wearing my usual stuff. Although my jeans have been more uncomfortable because of my grumpy digestive track.
Movement? Nah.
Sleep? It's gotten better in the past few weeks. I was getting up to eat or pee like 4 times in the night during the first trimester, yeesh! That's slowed down to just once a night, if even that.
Mood? Pregnancy has done nothing to my temperament or emotions. I'm dead serious! The only time I felt a hint of out-of-the-ordinary emotion was when McKay and I were watching a video of Disney characters singing songs in their native languages. I kid you not these were the words that came out of my mouth, "I want to have a Disney marathon! Let's watch Aladdin! Then The Loin King! Gosh I love Disney! *pause* also, I feel like crying." Don't worry. I didn't actually cry. But it was weird.
What I miss? Nothing. Oh actually, I miss not having to eat every stinkin' hour! speaking of which, snack break.
What I'm looking forward to? Developing an actual baby bump rather than this whole food-baby look I've got going on right now.
Best moment thus far? Seeing McKay's face when he saw the baby wiggling around on the ultrasound for the first time. It was such a wonderful moment!

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