Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Birthday Season

In October we celebrated Kayla's 22nd birthday, and in November we celebrated McKay's 26th! Despite the fact that I was sick and having some health problems during my birthday, McKay and family still made it enjoyable. McKay surprised me with a Venus fly trap! Sadly, they are dormant during the winter, so I'll just keep taking care of it until spring rolls around! I'm super excited to watch it catch a fruit fly or something. I'm grinning ear to ear just thinking about it! He also got me a wood burning drill, which I quickly began to play around with. Here's some fun stuff I've created!

I made these!!
We went out to eat at Olive Garden (typical) and ate far too much soup, salad, and bread sticks. It was a pretty good birthday :)
McKay sure seemed to enjoy his birthday. Although it wasn't nearly as exciting as last year's surprise paint ball party, it was still a good time. I got him this great tie clip to go with his 3 new ties. I also got him his annual 3D puzzle, this year it was the Taj Mahal!
He was super excited about the sea monkeys I got him! I've never experienced sea monkeys before, and I got to say... they are super entertaining. And kinda adorable!
McKay's restaurant of choice is Red Robin (free birthday burger yeeeeee). The best part of lunch was being asked if we were over 18. HAHA! Ok I can totally understand being asked that question myself. But McKay? He's got a full on beard!

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