Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Frozen Multnomah Falls

Even though I grew up in Portland, I'd never gotten to see Multnomah Falls while it was frozen over. So when we heard it was, we jumped in the car the next morning and drove out to see it! Although it was only partially frozen, we still had a blast exploring around. Honestly, anything with McKay usually ends up being a blast. It's so wonderful to have both a best friend and a husband as the same person.
It has actually been a really long time since we've been in snow (almost two years!). In Utah last December it didn't snow until the moment we were driving to the airport to fly off to Brazil! Then during that first week back from Brazil, it lightly snowed once, but never stuck. And we didn't go snowboarding at all either during the season ('cause you know, busy soaking in Brazil sunshine on the beach. hehe.) So walking around Multnomah in all the snow was pretty fun. Half of it was ice, actually, and McKay was ice skating around along the trail. Well, guess who ended up falling flat on their butt? Yep. NOT the one ice skating around. The one carefully taking each step. me. It was me. I fell. *shocker*
Of all his shoes, McKay chose to wear the ones with the hole in the bottom. hahaha. Yes, his feet were cold and wet.
I was so excited to take some nice photos of the waterfall with my DSLR. I went to turn it on during the car ride and found the battery wasn't inside! I had plugged it in to charge and never put it back inside the camera. Ugh. Rookie mistake.
This was a short little adventure; I don't even think it would count as a hike in comparison to our last hikes. We had such a great time, though. Once again, we love the Columbia Gorge!
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