Sunday, November 22, 2015


Our weekend in Utah went by way too fast! It seemed like only moments after stepping off the plane, we were stepping back on again. We flew down for Vanessa and Cameron's wedding, and got to see so many of our friends and family while we were there!
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The day of the wedding went so well. It was simple, beautiful, and full of happiness! Despite being on a mission, Nick was even able to come! hahaha. McKay and I managed to surprise everyone with a life-size cardboard cut out of Nick! We got Cameron's younger brother and cousins to help out with the surprise, it was perfect!
So happy for them!
We were so happy to be able to see some of our friends again. When we got to Utah it felt like we were back home. Home really is where your loved ones are. It was as if being in Oregon has just been a long trip. After being with our friends again I felt like the last 7 months were erased and we never left. We like it here in Oregon, but we do truly miss our family and friends who are still in Utah. It felt so strange not driving right up to our old apartment and walking in. I can't tell you how many times we were excitedly asked "Did you guys move back?!" at church. I wish I could've answered with YES!
I really miss Provo. I miss our ward filled with young married couples, I miss the atmosphere, the intramural sports teams, the mountains, my old job, the countless number of free events and activities, most of all I miss the people. I miss living minutes from family and friends. It really was a great place to spend our first two years together. Even though we've moved away from all that and have started our new chapter in Oregon, it's hard not to long for the comfort that comes with familiarity.
Change is hard, but it's also good because it means you're moving forwards.

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