Monday, January 19, 2015

Two Years

We've been married for two years. TWO YEARS! I didn't know the "honeymoon stage" could last this long ;)

McKay and I got to celebrate our second anniversary on Caraguatatuba Beach in Brazil! We didn't go out and eat a fancy dinner or exchange gifts or any of that because we considered our three week vacation as a holiday/anniversary celebration all packed into one!

I could sit here and drone on and on about how much I love life with McKay, but I think everyone already knows that. I just want to say one thing: McKay is my perfectly imperfect husband. And I'm his perfectly imperfect wife. And I don't think it gets any better than that, people. Eternity with him is going to be an absolute blast <3

A few months ago we had a friend take some pictures for us. We never got any nice wedding photos of just the two of us taken, so we figured now was probably a good time since we still look the same!

Enjoy our ooey-gooey love.

Photos were all taken by Taryn Schroedter. You can check out more pictures on her blog. Actually, that's not an option. Go look at her photos because they're gorgeous. Do it. Now.

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