Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Annual Christmas Newsletter

Another year come and gone! We are full of gratitude as we look back on all that we've experienced this past year. Any words highlighted in a different color will link you to a past blog post of that event, click on it to read more and see pictures.

To view our past newsletters, click here.

January: We spent an evening at the Nickle Arcade with family, had a bonfire, and joined an intramural water polo team with friends! Kayla got the opportunity to donate plasma for the first time and McKay hiked Buckley Mountain.

February: McKay printed out an 8 foot descendancy poster, which grew to over 21 feet by the end of the year.

March: We hiked the Y with some friends, participated in the Festival of Colors, and went on a hike up the Provo Canyon. Kayla started her internship at All American Gymnastics and fell in love with her job!

April: We planted our garden--it turned out to be the year of the tomato! In the middle of the month we drove up to Rexburg for a little family reunion. The weekend was full of good food and great people. Kayla even got to go shooting for the first time. Our water polo team made it to the finals, and lost by only one point. We were so close!! We finished up our winter semester finals and got to relax and start our summer!

May: After a year and a half, Kayla finally changed her name! McKay became a certified Phlebotomist and we said goodbye to McKay's parents as they began their mission in MTC.

June: We used our Pass of all Passes and spent several afternoons at Seven Peaks Water Park, played some mini-golf, and went on a date to the BYU Bean Museum (Not a museum about beans, as you might think). We drove to Oregon for Kayla's brother's graduation from high school, and while we were there we went skydiving! It was insane. We also joined some friends in the ward and created an intramural kickball team!

July: We celebrated the 4th of July and Pioneer Day with lots of fireworks and friends and went swimming at Vanessa's more times than we can count! We grouped up with the same friends and were on a softball team this time, we almost won the championship game, again.

August: We participated in our first ever yard sale and really enjoyed it, Kayla had a root canal (ick!) and we went on a fun date to Trafalga with some friends where we played at least 8 games of laser tag. Summer was almost over so we squeezed in as many hikes as we could! We hiked to Stewart Falls and Silver Lake and then took on all 16.2 miles of the Narrows in St. George. After which we thought we'd never be able to walk again. We spent a week in hot, humid Florida at Disney World and Universal Studios with Kayla's family. It was an absolute BLAST!

September: We headed into our Fall semester, both full-time students and both working part-time. We harvest and gave away so many tomatoes from our garden, went swimming and diving with friends, and built up our emergency food storage supply.  McKay joined an intramural Frisbee team and Kayla joined a flag football team.

October: We celebrated Kayla's 21st birthday, McKay surprised her with a romantic candlelit dinner. Kayla's family came into town for Conference weekend and the guys were lucky enough to go to the most unlucky BYU football game of the season. We collected 7 perfect pumpkins from our garden and carved them with some friends, then Kayla flew home to Oregon for one of her best friend's weddings. When she was back we joined a big group of friends and headed out to Hee Haw farms where Kayla won a 15 lb pumpkin for not only catching a pig, but also kissing it! McKay then took that 15 lb pumpkin and somehow carved Einstein into it, totally one-upping the carvings we'd done with friends.

November: We went hiking with friends, finished up our gardening season, dropped of Kayla's brother at the MTC, and had a lovely Thanksgiving dinner with friends and family. We celebrated McKay's birthday with cake, presents, and a surprise paintball party! McKay had an awesome time and only came out with one welt ...while Kayla had seven.

December: We strolled the German themed Christmas Market with friends, and wrapped up our school semester by cramming all our finals into three days then hopping onto a plane immediately after and heading to Brazil!

Happy Holidays to all our friends and family! May we remember the peaceful spirit of Christmas as we celebrate our families, blessings, and most importantly our Savior.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="544"] Happy Holidays![/caption]

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