Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Hikes: Creepy Caves, Best Friends, and a Sweet Sunset

Canyon + Cave

The hikes have already started! I honestly didn't expect for us to get started so quickly, but it's been less than a week and we've already gone on 2 hikes. Woo! Last Friday, my good friend Jackie called me up and asked McKay and I if we wanted to go with her and her husband on a hike up the canyon, let me think... YES. Plus, they have the cutest baby boy, so double yes. It was perfect for our first hike of the season. We hiked in for about an hour and actually found a cave, this isn't one of your 10 ft. deep, round, "let's have a lovely campfire in here" cave, this was like a tunnel. Seriously, it went in maybe 30 feet until you could either climb down this big hole which leads down into who knows what (no way I was letting McKay explore that without being harnessed in) or you could try and climb on a log that was put across across the huge hole (also not a safe idea) and keep exploring the tunnel. COOL. But also creepy. I'm pretty sure that if Jackie and I hadn't been there, the guys would've gone exploring down there. I want to hike back and bring some harnesses and ropes, only then will I be going down there.

Anyways, it was a fun hike! Next time well take a real camera, so the cave pics turn out better.

[caption id="277" align="aligncenter" width="560"]IMG_4260 2 minutes in and our hoodies were already coming off[/caption]

[caption id="279" align="aligncenter" width="224"]IMG_4265 The log you could fall err... walk on to get across the gaping hole.[/caption]

[caption id="278" align="aligncenter" width="224"]IMG_4264 Scary hole. Scary hole that I want to explore *safely*[/caption]


 Hiking the Y

Do you know what's great? One of my best friends, Becca, lives 3 blocks from me. AND she and her husband are in our ward. So basically it's like we're 16 again and hanging out all the time.

Do you know what's better? My other best friend, McKenna, road tripping out to Utah for a week. So now I get to see BOTH of them every day, for at least this week. After that, McKenna goes back to Oregon :( but I don't want to think about that right now. (WOW that is an ugly frowny face.) McKenna got here on Monday, and this week has/is going to continue to be crazy as we go around trying to do everything unique there is to do around here! Monday night we hiked the Y. And I only managed to lose my phone twice.

[caption id="283" align="aligncenter" width="224"]IMG_4291 Looking at the city upside down![/caption]




[caption id="287" align="aligncenter" width="560"]Ribbet collage The goofball.[/caption]

The rest of this week is going to be NUTS!

1 comment:

  1. […] We hiked the Y with some friends, participated in the Festival of Colors, and went on a hike up the Provo Canyon. […]
