Monday, August 4, 2014

{ Sky Diving }

[caption id="attachment_306" align="aligncenter" width="560"]McKay's in blue, I'm in red. McKay's in blue, I'm in red.[/caption]

That's right, we went skydiving.

And it was INSANE.

Also awesome, but mostly insane.

Nick (my youngest brother) graduated from high school. Those of us in Utah drove out to Oregon to attend his graduation. It was great! And when I say great, I mean the whole family & friends part. The graduation? I was nearly as bored watching it as I was being in it myself a few years ago. But, HURRAH! He graduated! Speaking of fantastic things when it comes to Nick, he received his mission call! He will be spending 2 years of his life preaching the gospel in Brasilia, Brazil! He reports to the Brazil MTC on November 19th. I'm so proud of that kid.

For Nick's graduation present, he wanted to go sky diving. And since we were all coming into town we thought, why not?? We all drove out to a place called Skydive Oregon and Nick, Arik (his friend), Andy, Vanessa, McKay, & I all jumped. Now, before I tell you about how incredible it was and how I'm soooo brave, I have to say that I was terrified. Deep down I knew I wasn't going to back out, but I was also certain I would die. Like 99.9% positive that I was going to die. That's how I felt at least. But we harnessed up, hopped on the plane, and jumped. It was SUCH an adrenaline rush! The fall is unreal, and once your chute is open the gliding and flying is spectacular. My guide-man-dude even let me steer the chute a bit (we went in circles really fast, it was fun)

Yes, I would absolutely do it again! Sky diving was a BLAST.

[caption id="attachment_307" align="aligncenter" width="560"]DSC_0265a Andy, Nick, and Arik before they jumped[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_311" align="aligncenter" width="560"]DSC_0440 McKay, Me, and Vanessa before we jumped[/caption]


[caption id="attachment_316" align="aligncenter" width="560"]DSC_0476 Spinning in circles![/caption]

[caption id="attachment_312" align="aligncenter" width="560"]DSC_0503 McKay on the ground and Me coming in to land[/caption]







1 comment:

  1. […] for Kayla’s brother’s graduation from high school, and while we were there we went skydiving! It was insane. We also joined some friends in the ward and created an intramural kickball […]
