Sunday, March 25, 2018

Lake Pleasant Hike

While McKay's parents were in town, we also met up with his brother Jonathan, his girlfriend Annie, and his kiddos. A hike was just what the doctor ordered! At least, for me it was so so fun, but I'm *pretty* sure everyone else had a good time, too. :)
We headed up north a bit to Lake Pleasant. I'm not sure if we even did the trail we originally planned on doing, but we ended up on this really cool island piece of land. It was connected to the rim of the lake by a piece of earth that was like 5 feet wide. Super fun!
The whole hike became dinosaur themed for the kids, it's so much fun to see the imagination that Jolene, Roslyn, and Zealand have. They could've kept the dino hunt up for hours! James had zero idea what was going on, really, but he was never trailing too far behind another kid. He does the same thing when we go to the park, always trying to hang with the big kids haha.
Nana even planned ahead and brought some "dinosaur eggs" to hide for the kids to find. She make a perfect little nest with all the eggs inside and we waited for them to find it. Boy was it worth it!! They were in awe!
We hung out on the island for a majority of our time. Many, many, MANY rocks were thrown into the water, we climbed to the top of the island, ate some snacks, and just had a fun time overall.
As we were thinking about wrapping things up and heading back, suddenly Jo shouts, "SCORPION!". So of course, we snapped some photos then got the heck away from the thing (after McKay flicked it into the water haha). I have no interest in being stung again, although I would GLADLY take another sting if it meant one of the kids didn't. I'm amazed we didn't have any issues because the scorpion was in the rocks that we had all been sitting on and digging our hands into to gather throwing rocks. Yikes! Thank goodness nothing happened.

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