Saturday, June 3, 2017

Memorial Day '17

I am so thankful for the holiday we have to give thanks to those who have done so much for our freedoms! It is because of them that we can enjoy a BBQ and swimming and family time. Our memorial day was packed with activities. Long gone are the days of lounging around, haha.
We spent the early afternoon swimming with the kiddos while the guys (by guys I really mean Cameron) BBQ'd up some yummy food. James does SO well in the water. It seems like he's constantly trying to jump out of our arms haha. I was asked twice, by two different families, where I was taking James for lessons. They were surprised to find out that we weren't taking him anywhere, that we were teaching him ourselves! We gave them lots of info on the program we're following. It's free, and online at It's worked well so far for us!

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Tyson jumping into the pool was one of the FUNNIEST things! He was making the most hilarious faces!

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James squealing with joy with Vanessa! Tyson was pretty timid at first, but he got a bit more comfortable after some time passed.

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In the evening we enjoyed a Salt Lake Bees baseball game! It was so much fun. The Bees won at their very LAST chance! It was great to watch. At one point, I was down at the bottom of the seats with James playing around and a player in the dugout got my attention and rolled a baseball to James! We later got it signed by the mascot, Bumble.
We took a break from the seats and played in the grass with Tyson for a while. James is so cute and tries to walk everywhere! He is getting so good WAY too fast haha. He will crawl until he finds something that he can use to stand up. Then he'll take a few steps and fall and do it again and again. And this was on grass!
The night ended with an awesome fireworks show! I didn't expect much but WOW. I always forget that Utah knows how to party with fireworks haha. Oregon is so lame in comparison. James was exhausted at that point in the day. Being awake for so long coupled with swimming earlier and only getting a half hour nap in between, we expected the firework show to not go over well. Once again our chill dude surprised us! He sat back, relaxed into our arms, and watched. None of the loud pops, booms, or crackles, make him cry. He even clapped his hands together a couple of times! What a trooper. He fell asleep in the car before we even got two blocks away haha.

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