Sunday, June 4, 2017

Adam's Canyon Waterfall Hike

This was SO FUN. It's hikes like this one that keep us coming back for more! Instead of a boring repetitive trail, this one was so interactive. We had to hop across the river on rocks, climb over logs, scramble up steep inclines over boulders and stones, and even had to use a rope to help get from one rock to another. And McKay did it all with 30 extra lbs on his back! It was a blast.
I think waterfall hikes are my favorite because you are hiking alongside a creek for most of it. So there's plenty of spots to stop and take a break and play. We were planning on flying McKay's drone here on our way back, but when we got there someone was taking her senior portraits. DANG!
The hike was 5.2 miles round trip and we were so tired after! It seems like it was longer because it took so long to hike. All the rocks and climbing sure slows you down. From start to finish it took 3 hours.
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The water levels here in Utah have been so high because we've had so much rainfall. The creek/river was flowing fast! Especially by the falls. Someone tied a rope up so you could use it to get from one rock to another without getting in the water. We thought it was so awesome until we found out that just around the corner you had to get in the water anyways to cross haha. It was like a foot deep at most, and so refreshing! It was HOT outside, so the ice cold water was great.
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Our little rock climber :)
We dipped James's feet in the water and he would squeal and splash and smile! So fun! He was kicking and clapping the whole hike, but he did even more when we got to the waterfall. We love that he goes with the flow so well.
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After playing at the falls for a while we headed back. I got across the rope part and looked back as McKay was crossing. I quickly shouted for him to stop so I could take a photo. James had grabbed hold of the rope with McKay! It was so adorable!!
Just as expected, all the excitement and things to look at wore James out. He fell asleep on our way back. He's so cute we can't help but snap a picture :)

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