Wednesday, June 21, 2017

James August - 10 Months

James is 10 months old!
That's the best shot I got of him. I tried for a few minutes before I gave up and just took a video instead.
[wpvideo y5Pbirhb]
James is so much fun! I love how he is understanding more and more each day. He has learned so many commands and words. My absolute favorite is his wave! It's ADORABLE. And he does it all the time. Here he is the first time we put in him his new car seat. He looks so little again!
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James is walking all over. He walks more than he crawls now. And he's getting pretty fast! Occasionally he'll get really excited about something, and start to run! He can't control it though, and falls after a few steps. And just last Sunday, I saw him JUMP. He got excited and flapped his arms so hard that when he squatted down he sprung off the floor. A good inch, too. My jaw hit the floor. Babies don't jump! That's not a thing! Who is this kid?!
James still doesn't have any teeth and that still doesn't seem to be slowing him down. I can give him just about anything, he'll chew it until its soft and swallow. I haven't seen him gag on anything for probably a month. Yay! Baby Led Weaning worked so well for us.
The left photo is us at the water park. My kid is so much cooler than me. hahaha And on the right, I was cooking and when I turned around he was in the fridge! Going after our protein balls.
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Being outside is his #1 favorite thing to do. It's a good thing we go outside every day. I have a goal of 2 hours a day or 14 hours a week of outside time. It doesn't seem like a lot, but for a baby it's quite a bit. He doesn't have any older siblings to entertain him while outside, so it's just me and him finding things to do. We go on hikes and walks all the time and the swimming pools at our complex are great. Seven Peaks Water Park is a 5 minute drive from our place, so we go there at least once a week. Hooray for the pass of all passes! $15 for unlimited water park access? Don't mind if I do. And that's not even all it offers. You can go to fun centers, a movie theater, ice skating, sports games like baseball and soccer, and much more all for free!
Anyways, we love the outdoors.
James did SO GREAT while we were in San Diego. He was his normal, happy, chill self even though there was zero schedule. He took every nap in his car seat during that week haha.
We introduced him to the BEACH! We went to the beach while we were in Brazil, but both times he was sleeping haha. I wish everyone could've been in San Diego to see his reaction, he LOVED it. Like, non-stop squealing, running, sand eating, pointing, and splashing. It was adorable! I got this video, it's short, but you can see a little bit of how much he loved it.
[wpvideo yZmwZZ4c]
Also, while there, James ate like a tablespoon of sand. Try as I might, I just couldn't stop him haha.

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