Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Hiking the Y

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Just days after James and I arrived in Utah, our little family headed to the mountains! This post is mostly going to be a photo dump haha. There's not much to say in terms of hiking the Y, I'm pretty sure everyone and their dog has done the hike before. *jokes*
[caption id="attachment_3974" align="alignnone" width="5184"]IMG_5861 - Copy We also took a kissy photo, but I'll spare you that one :)[/caption]
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The view was great! We picked a good day. It was slightly cloudy, so we didn't get too hot. James enjoyed the whole thing! And he fell asleep in the carrier I KID YOU NOT only 50 steps from the trail head. hahaha That kid and his impeccable timing.
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Throughout the hike, McKay and I just kept looking at each other and laughing. We are so out of shape!!! I'm glad we could laugh about it though. We couldn't believe how tired we were. It's a good thing we plan on going on multiple hikes a month.
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We love the little carrier McKay's parents gifted us, it's been so useful and perfect! We're on the lookout for a backpack hiking carrier, so that James can be a bit more comfortable while we're hiking. I've found several used ones for great prices, but I'm not fast enough and they're always sold before I can get to them. I'll get one eventually!
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We took several photos on self timer, but I must've done something wrong because they were all out of focus! I think the camera focused on the bench or something. This is the best we got!
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