Monday, October 24, 2016

James August - 2 Months

James is 2 months! I can honestly say that these past two months have been so fun (aside from maybe these last two days because I was sick... haha) Most of the time, James is a happy, healthy, little boy.
At his two month appointment, James weighed just under 12 lbs, and measured at 23.5 inches! He is in mostly 3 month clothing, with the occasional 6 month outfit. He's just so long! So many of our 0-3 month clothes don't fit him anymore.
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He's officially learned how to roll from his tummy to his back, and is starting to find his voice. WE. LOVE. IT. His little noises and coos are second only to his amazing smiles :) which he is so kind to share with us allllll the time! He takes after both his parents--easygoing and easy to please. Looking at books and our patterned muslin swaddles have been some of his favorite activities. He definitely enjoys bath time. If he could, he'd probably choose to spend all day in the water, he loves it! So far he's tried all sorts of different way to bathe, in a small baby tub, with me in the bathtub, and in the shower. He's all for taking a bath until it's time to get out haha.
I just bought some foot and wrist rattles at Ross the other day -- Best $4 I've ever spent! They're adorable and perfect for those wild legs of his.
[wpvideo YwB5tuX3]
In terms of dislikes, it doesn't seem like he has any aside form the obvious things like hunger, fatigue, and getting shots. He doesn't bat an eye during diaper changes, tummy time, getting put in the car seat (which used to bother him sometimes), or sucking boogers out of his nose (which also used to bother him).
Breastfeeding is still going great. My supply seems to have finally regulated in these past few days. I was overproducing for the past two months, easily pumping out an extra 10 oz a day because of being engorged. But, not anymore!
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We love you, James! And we thank Heavenly Father for your sweet personality every day!  <3
[wpvideo fgum60Ah]

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