Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Home Stretch

Past Updates:
15 Weeks
22 Weeks
30 Weeks
We're almost there! Baby will be here in less than 3 weeks (hopefully). All four of us kids came early for my mom. One a week early, two came two weeks early, and one three weeks early. We're right in between 2-3 weeks left, so I'm crossing my fingers this guy gets going!
For the sake of getting everything in order for Brazil, we'd really love it if he came like, yesterday. In a matter of 3 months we will have to get his Birth Certificate, SS number, Passport, and Visa squared away. That is almost NO TIME! I'm so anxious about it all. Pray that this guy comes as soon as possible. And pray that we get everything taken care of before our trip.
Food: Guys, I really am so boring. I feel like nothing has changed! I still don't "crave" things or need anything in particular. *so dramatic* It's been the same few things that always sound delicious, but it's not like I'll die if I don't get them pronto. Cafe Rio (that sauuuuuce), guacamole, rice and beans, cottage cheese, and chocolate milk. Beef Jerky and Ham have been a turn off since the beginning. I normally go crazy for those, but definitely not anymore.
Body Changes: Well, I'm getting larger, that's for sure. But my entire bump is still very basketball-esque. You still can't really tell I'm pregnant from the back. Unless I'm walking, the waddle toooootally gives it away haha. My wedding ring has always been prone to slipping off my finger, I think it may be a size too big. Well, it's still like that! It almost flew off my finger at work the other day, I've got to be more careful!
Weight Gain: Surprisingly, hardly any for a while. Overall, I've gained 18 lbs. with only 1 lbs in the past month. If I drink a ton of water, I can get that number close to 20 lbs. I was getting worried, but he is measuring perfectly fine and my doctors said that low weight gain is completely normal for someone who is so active and my size, thank goodness!
Energy: Oh, I feel it. The feeling of what my life is going to be like for the next 10 years... haha. I'm definitely tired and get worn out much more often than ever before!
Clothes: Three words: McKay's basketball shorts.
Movement: THIS. KID. He's large enough to where he can't really kick anymore because there's no room, but dear goodness does he rock and roll and twist and shout. Several times a day my stomach looks like ocean waves, it's insane. He also really love to do this thing where he stretches his legs out as far as possible and makes my obliques scream. So cute. So, so, cute. *sarcasm* I'm pretty sure my abs are bruised from the inside.
Mood: Same old, same old. I'm just not a moody person, even when pregnant. Reason number 45,697,96,293,000 I'm the best wife ever.
What I'm looking forward to: BIRTH. GET OUT GET OUT GET OUUUUUT!
Best moment thus far: Prepping his room!! For months McKay and I put off setting up his room because the house is on the market. We finally decided to do it after 37 weeks. To see more photos of it, check out this blog post! We're absolutely in love. My favorite part at the moment is the mobile, I made it from scratch!

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