Wednesday, November 4, 2015


My finger vs. two heavy sliding doors. I lost.
I'm the first one in my immediate family to actually break a bone. Luckily, it's a small one! The joints in my finger are fine, it's just the tip. So no big deal, hooray! After finding out how annoying it is to coach with a broken finger, I hope I never break another bone!! I'd go insane! My finger was swollen for days, it looked like an ET finger, yuck! The doctor had to burn a hole through my nail to relieve some pressure, which felt so nice. Now I have to keep my finger splinted up for 4 more weeks. Woooo. ðŸ˜’
A week later, the swelling is gone, but the bruising doesn't seem to be going anywhere! I don't think my nail will fall off, thank goodness! Oh, and that burn on the tip of my finger? SO RIDICULOUS. I was making some things with my wood burner, and my finger was completely wrapped up. The only part of my finger that is exposed is the very tip (you can see how my hand is wrapped in the last photo). Guess where I accidentally burnt myself. ON THAT ONE SPOT. Of allllllll the places I could've burn myself, I hit the one square centimeter of skin visible on my broken finger. There's got to be some sort of award for that.
PicMonkey Collage

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