Monday, August 17, 2015

Oneonta Falls

We hopped in the car one afternoon to go explore the Oneonta Falls hiking trail, it was a blast! The hike is short, but known for its huge log jam and narrow walls. There were people everywhere, and we were surprised at how many babies people were carrying around. That'll probably be us in the future haha. A river with both a log jam and a people jam can get a little crazy! It only took us maybe an hour to hike in and explore. It's a short hike, but we got to do all the things I love, hike, hop, swim (in ice cold water), jump out of the falls, rock climb, and balance. The perfect exercise!
The lower Oneonta falls have a hidden shelf behind them, that you have to swim under the falls to get to, but once you're there you can climb up the underside of the falls and jump through them! McKay did it three times, I have no idea how that guy didn't freeze to death. Here are our favorite pictures!

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